Monday, August 17, 2009

Almost one month old

I started this post awhile back but never got around to posting it. I have a difficult time updating this blog because I have such limited computer time. I have an iphone that I do just about everything on simply because I can play with it while I'm feeding Eric. And, since he eats every three hours around the clock... I can do quite a bit on that phone!
But, there are things I can't do on it and blogging here is one of them. The others involve work, and since I'm paid for that and not paid for this... blogging doesn't always make the cut.
Anyhoo... these are from when Eric was almost a month old.

This is MY dinner but Lily has gotten very very attention starved and Eric doesn't let me put him down.

The SAHM group I'm in had a field trip to Krispy Kreme where they let the kids go into the back and dip their own doughnuts into chocolate and put their own sprinkles on them. Lily still won't talk to any of the other kids but she does participate.