Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Whose feet are these?

Week 18

Yesterday, as Ross and I were discussing the tile in our new place, I noticed that I am wearing someone else's feet! I have read about swelling, and how it is likely to happen, but I would have never expected my feet to look so funny. I don't really feel them getting big, and my shoes still fit, but they no longer look like the feet I am used to. and when you push on them you can tell they are swollen.
Also, Lilly has given me achne! Not that I ever had the clearest skin in the world, but I have never had achne like this. Hopefully my having zits now will prevent her from having a tomented teenage achne problem.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February 13 - Week 17

Week 17
It has been almost a month since I included a belly shot and I feel as though my belly has gotten really huge! Although I wonder if it will ever outgrow my boobs! In the last two weeks my belly has expanded an inch and I am down to only one pair of jeans that I can still fit in. And unfortunately the weather isn't playing along with my plan to only wear stretchy shorts and skirts. It is so cold and I have to keep doing laundry over and over because I don't want to buy anything new that I will only be able to wear for a couple of weeks. I am not yet big enough to wear maternity clothes, so I am kinda stuck in an in-between stage.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We're expecting a GIRL!

Sorry I haven't added anything in awhile. Today I finally got internet service at the new house. Also today we found out that our baby is a girl! At this morning's doctor visit the nurses snuck me in for an extra sonogram 3 weeks early just to see if we could determine the sex. I know now why they make these people spend so much time in school because I couldn't tell one way or the other. But apparently, it is pretty obvious to them. These pictures aren't nearly as cool as seeing it in real life. She moves and kicks and opens and closes her mouth. Strange thing that I can't feel it. The picture on the left you can see she looks like skelator, and the picture on the right was just a really cute shot of her feet! I am so excited to see that things are coming along fine. The other sonogram just looked like a pea, now we can tell there really IS a baby inside me. I have been a little worried because I have only gained 7 pounds and one extra inch around my belly. I keep reading that I will be feeling her moving soon too, but I haven't. I feel a lot of peace now after seeing this sonogram.
Oh, and we are definite on the name now.....Lillian Claire
My great great grandma was named Lillian, and we just liked Claire. We'll call her Lilly.
That is of course as long as she really IS a girl. My dad said that all the nurses and doctors were sure that my brother David was a girl too until he came out....SUPRISE!