Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

047 by by Shelley Faye
047, a photo by by Shelley Faye on Flickr.

This pic is the face Eric makes every time you point a camera in his direction. Maybe he'll become a dentist.

We've had a busy summer so far. We've been having a blast going to sprinkler parks and swimming at the Y but of course, there never seems to be enough time in front of a computer to keep up with blogging as often as I'd like.
I am a gadget junkie though so I'm regularly posting pics on flickr (user id: by shelleyfaye but you'll need to add me as a friend in order to see the family pics... they are private so I have to approve you first. If you don't do this step, you'll only see pictures of the stuff I've sewn) and videos to youtube (user id: sirrossmitchell, just search that word... no spaces) so please, if you are craving more up-to-date pics, bookmark those sites.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Lily's Pre-School Graduation

The entrance to Lily's classroom
Eric waiting patiently for things to get started

Lily and her teacher Ms. Nancy

I cried. A lot.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Lily excited for fireworks

Lily usually doesn't do well when she stays up late but we've decided to let her stay up tonight to watch the fireworks from the roof (we can see 5 shows from there!) this video is of our excited little girl.