Sunday, July 01, 2012

Birthday Month

Happy July!

It is Birthday month for our babies and they are VERY excited about it.  It is probably more our fault than anything because we keep talking about it.  The summer has been very LONG so far for me because I just can't manage to plan enough activities to keep Lily busy so that I can get my work done.  This whole 'work from home' thing has become insanely difficult lately.
We've been prepping Eric that the "Dummy Fairy" (translation: dummy = pacifier) is going to come on his birthday and take away his dummies.  Currently he is only allowed to have his dummy when he is sleeping but he is very dependent on it to sleep.  It is going to be a difficult transition, but one that needs to be done.

Some bragging points:
  • Lily is going into 1st grade but reading at a 2nd grade level
  • Eric is completely potty trained
  • both kids have better computer skills than Ross
  • Lily can climb any tree that she sees
  • When I ask Eric what he wants to do today his standard response is "take a nap"
I'm so proud.
For those of you wanting gift suggestions, I've put together some ideas.  

Click for Lily's Wish List

Click for Eric's Wish List

Exciting stuff, we will be moving soon. Not sure where yet, but this house is under contract and I'm just banking on the short sale proceedings to take longer than I do in finding a new place to live.