Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cheap Makeup

Whahoooo! One of the moms in my SAHMs group just posted a website of a makeup company that Nordstroms just bought out and they are selling off all of their stock for only $1.00 (well, some of the sets and stuff are $5) and if you use the coupon code CAROLINA you get another 50% off on up to $15.00. I just bought 15 items and shipping and everything came to $14.55

Can't beat that even buying the cheap stuff at Walgreens. I got some tweezers and makeup brushes too.

Here is the site in case you are interested:

Trip to Chicago

Last week Debbie and I went to eBay Live! in Chicago. Lily and I drove to Melbourne on Tuesday and spent the night with Sandy. At the crack of dawn, I few out to Chicago. I wrote this in my notebook on the plane:

I cried last night while falling asleep because I worry so much about my little Lily. I am on a plane right now heading to Chicago and won't see her until Sunday night. And even then, she will be asleep. I have all the confidence in the world that my family will take wonderful care of her. They will probably be more careful than I would! But, being away from her hurts my heart. Leaving this morning she was still asleep and I wanted so badly to pick her up and squeeze her. Oh poo. Now I'm crying on the plane! how embarrassing.

Because of a weather delay out of Chicago, I missed my connector in Atlanta and had to be re-routed to Orlando. Luckily, Christian was there picking up Debbie just one hour prior so I made them wait and collect me too. I made it home on Sunday but at 2AM. Being away from Lily all that time she grows and changes even in a few days.

We celebrated Christian's birthday on Monday with a barbecue then it started to pour and didn't stop so Lily and I had to stay another night. I finally made it home yesterday and it is going to take me a week to catch up on missed work and two weeks to workout enough to work off everything I ate!
(These pictures are Pamela's that she so nicely loaded into my computer for me, mine are still in my camera)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Water Part

Lately the SAHM mom's group that I'm in has only been scheduling playdates at Water parks. I am pleasantly surprised at how many there are in our county. There are literally dozens of them! Well, because I haven't gotten around to getting Lily into swimming lessons yet and for the longest time didn't have a bathing suit for myself that wasn't offensive, we haven't gone yet. I finally found a bathing suit that keeps everything covered up and just figured I'd have to watch Lily really close, and we went to a water park.
She did awesome. They have a zero depth place that has a sprinkler thing above and she played in that most of the day. There is a slide thing and a big structure that kids can play on but there were so many kids running and pushing that I wouldn't let Lily try it. There was a tube above that was pouring water out and she enjoyed standing below and putting her arm into the stream. That is, until the water pressure changed from a small stream to a huge gush and it knocked her back onto her bum. She handled it well and only cried for a minute.
She pooped too while we were there. YUCK. Taking off a soaking wet, poopy swim diaper is a very difficult thing to do. Poor thing had poop all down her legs!
Then, the afternoon thunderstorms rolled in and they kicked us all out.

The title of this post is not a typo, that is how Lily says 'Park'. She also says 'Milt' for milk and 'Boot' for book.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Today - Great day!

Today was a great day. This morning Lily slept in until 8 and stayed interested in the early morning cartoons long enough for me to get all of my emails checked.
Around 9:30 Marje skyped us from Zim to tell us that she is coming over for a visit in just a little more than a month. Yay! We got to talk for awhile and Lily was behaved enough to say hello. (just in case you don't know what skype is, it is a program that allows you to talk or chat live through your computer and if you have a webcam you can talk and see one another. It is free if you are interested click here)
Then we went to the beach. It is nice to go early because there isn't much of a crowd.

Ross is a bit of a weirdo because he doesn't sit or lie on a towel, just right into the sand. He has taught Lily to do the same thing.

We only stayed for a couple of hours and made it back in time for lunch and nap.
I went to an afternoon party then came home and realized that both Ross and I were having a chocolate craving. So, I taught Lily how to make brownies.

About 3/4 of the way through the brownie baking process I realized that it was dinner time so we threw some steaks on the grill and then we had warm brownies ready for us for desert. Yum.
After dinner Lily bounced back and forth between helping Ross pick weeds and helping me photograph stuff to sell on eBay.

Life is good. Makes it a little more bearable that our bank account has run completely dry! Earlier in the week we had an accident and had to spend $450 at the vet to have two of Zelda's teeth removed. She's all good now but Ross is no longer allowed to play golf with Zelda.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

If this video doesn't make you want to squeeze this girl...

I don't know what will!

We were listening to a CD of African Children's songs that Marje gave us last year and Lily was dancing all over so I tried to get a little on tape.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My dad was shopping on the internet again

Gotta love the internet! Sometimes Daddy gets carried away with the ease of buying on the internet. I suggested that Lily would love a little table for her birthday (which is still over a month away!) and look what showed up at the house.

Ross and I stashed it under the pool table planning to give it to her on her birthday but Daddy insisted that we give it to her now so that he could see the pictures of it here on the blog.She LOVES it.She has spent all of her time out on the porch. It has worked out well for me too because I had a client give me boxes and boxes of stuff to get listed on eBay and I can work on the pool table and keep an eye on her at the same time. I have all the stuff on top of the table and set up my laptop out there too. Usually when I do that Lily is trying everything she can to get to whatever I'm working on. Now, she is at her OWN table outside.(again, why is she never wearing any clothes? and did you notice the shoes?)

This video isn't really interesting, it is just an example of how loud my neighbors are. Every single day they get in their pool and scream and curse at one another like the world is going to end. The parents tell the children that they are "bad" and say things like "what the hell is wrong with you" and they never scold the children for cursing and screaming at the top of their lungs "I hate you!". It gets obnoxious sometimes, as you can hear in this video. (and they have "Children are a gift from God" stickers on their cars)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Mini vacation in Miami

Jasmin came in town this weekend so I took a little mini-vacation and crashed at her hotel with her down in Miami Saturday night. Jen took the night off too and went out with us too. It is so nice to get together with old friends and catch up. The only thing is, that it reminds me how lazy of a friend I really am. I love to get together with people and keep up with everything in their lives, but I am just so bad at keeping up with correspondence. I always intend to call and email and stuff, but I never do. I'm a terrible friend.
Jaz was staying at the Intercontinental so I had a nightmare of a time trying to find parking in downtown. So, we parked my car at Jen's and rode the train back to bayside. We had dinner at Bubba Gumps then a couple of drinks at Bayside and mainly just talked, caught up and reminisced.
We stayed up too late talking and I slept in late. Jasmin had to get up for her convention stuff and I just kept sleeping. I took a leisurely ride and walk back to Jen's then spend a little time a her house squeezing squishy little Dean. He still smells like a baby. Gotta convince Ross that we need another one.