Thursday, October 30, 2008


This first pic was taken awhile back but I've been meaning to post it for my cousin Melissa. She loves her "mingo" and carries it everywhere.
Last night we went to what must have been the dumbest Hallween event on the planet. It was on the beach so we stopped in to make Brandi come with us (She is living on the beach again for those who didn't know) and I have no idea what is with that hat that she is wearing.
We ended up having a good time anyway because I brought my rollerblades and Lily went for a ride eating ice cream while I skated and Ross ran. The weather has cooled off here lately so it was really a nice night for that. Too bad that no one got to see Lily's costume.

(Melissa, if you look real close, you will see that "Mingo" is in the stroller)
Tonight we are carving pumpkins so more pictures to come.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

If only....

If only I was the seamstress that I want to be....
I could make myself one of these
yes, believe it or not... it is a handmade!
someday I'll learn how to work with difficult fabrics.
until then,
I sold my first KITSCHY APRON today! Yay! My friends didn't believe that people would pay $45 for an apron, they were wrong. It took me 6 hours to make, so even though $45 for an apron sounds like a lot, it just wasn't an ordinary apron and didn't work out to being alot of money for my time.
I'm still excited non the less.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lily loves to sing

This video is of Lily counting. She is a very cood counter, just not in this video

The next video is of one of Lily's favorite songs "Here we go 'round the Mulberry bush" she sings it and runs in a circle. As you will see, it can be annoying sometimes.

The next video is Lily's favorite song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" she will sing it every time she sees a star. This song has prevented us from learning the ABC song because she gets to C then switches to twinkle.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pictures from my phone

I finally got around to downloading the pictures off my phone:

These little darlings are our friend's who live in England. They were over for a wedding and we got to see them just for an afternoon. Lily was so excited about getting to see two babies. She kept saying "two babies" over and over. She couldn't grasp the concept of one being a girl and one being a boy. To her they were neither boy nor girl, they were just "two babies" I am usually very strict about eating meals at the table, but on gameday we get to eat on the couch. Lily thinks it is a great treat. You'll know it is gameday by her uniform. Today the Miami Dolphin pre-game show came on and she ran to her room to get her jersey because she heard football on TV. She is showing us her V8. She LOVES V8. I have to hide them in the back of the fridge because as soon as she sees one, she will throw a temper tantrum until she gets it.
Here is Lily at that Birthday party I'd posted about earlier.
She got stuck on this thing at the park. I'm a terrible mom for taking a picture before helping her down. The funny thing is that this park was packed that day, but somehow or another no one else is in this picture. How does that happen?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Race for the Cure only a little over a week left update

Ok, Race day is a week from Saturday and we are only $25.00 shy of our $1000.00 goal. We are also 4 participants shy of our 10 participant goal. O'Malley's having their golf tournament on the same day really screwed it up for getting my friends to get involved, but they do offer the "Sleep In for the Cure" option. You just sign up and pay the race entrance fee but don't show up. Cool huh? You still get a t-shirt too!
Many many of my family members have donated generously and I am so appreciative. It is wonderful that we've come so close to such a lofty goal.
I'm putting together the plans for getting there and a meet up spot, so if you are running/walking with us, stay tuned for info about that.
April, I'm assuming you are "sleeping in", if so, I need your address so send your shirt once I pick them up.
Anyone else want to get involved: Click Here
I've been running consistently 3 days a week and have gotten very close to meeting my goal of being able to run 4 miles without stopping. I doubt that I'll make my goal of beating my best time (27 min 33 sec.) but I'm going to try my best.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October so far

My dad was shopping online again....
so, Lily got a new cheerleading uniform! (and that is lipstick in her hand... been in mommy's purse again) She wore it to the babysitter's house on Saturday while Ross & I went to the game. I've got a couple of pictures from the game but haven't downloaded them yet. It was a crazy day, another blog post altogether.
So Sunday, Lily helped me process my new inventory, this is her new face that she does every time I get the camera out.
And then this is the face that she does when she doesn't get what she wants.
Earlier in the week we went to a birthday party. I'm pretty sure that this was Lily's first kid party. She was so sweet. I was so proud of her. She is really shy and of course didn't talk to anyone but she had a great time. She bounced and bounced in the bounce houses and sat with the other kids to eat pizza. She loved climbing to the top of the slide but I kept having to get my friends to push her down because she refused to come down on her own.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Strawberry Shortcake costume

I'm so excited for Halloween this year! I haven't finished my own costume yet, but I finished Lily's. Well, actually, I make two identical costumes, one to sell, one for her to wear, click here to see what they look like.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Stitch Rock indie craft fair Delray

I've joined a group of professional crafters and they are hosting the after-party for this Saturday's Indie Craft fair in DelRay Beach. I plan to attend the craft fair (unfortunately, we don't have booth) but being that it is the same day as the FSU/Miami game, I'll be at the game when the party is happening. However, it is my duty to post the ad, so here it is....
Hollywood Craft Mafia hosts the Stitch Rock after party