Monday, April 27, 2009

Race for the Cure Miami

I know it is a long way away... but, mark your calendars for the Race for the Cure!

October 17, 2009
I'm gonna put another team together and I've already set my goal for the year.
Last year our team raised over a thousand dollars. I want to do that again, but this year I want to get a bunch more people to actually participate with us. I had 10 folks sign up last year but only myself and two others physically DO the race.
This year I want to get 10 of us out there on the pavement!
So, this is your fair warning, I will be bugging you all to participate with me. I'll only be 12 weeks after having a baby and I am fully committed to doing it.... you can to!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pergnancy update

I haven't been really good at the pregnancy updates this go 'round. I did a craft show yesterday and everyone kept asking me how far along I was, I didn't know the answer! I know my due date, July 31. Sad, I know how much time is LEFT rather than how far along.
Well, I figured it out this morning, I'm 28 weeks.
My belly measures 39" around (non-prego measurement is about 30")
I've gained 20 lbs
I feel ok, I get tired quickly and feel like a cow. I've got the killer heartburn again and my belly button turned inside out again and again, bothers me when things touch it. I'm pretty sure that it will NOT go back to looking normal afterward. oh well.
My veins are my biggest issue. They have gotten so bad in my left leg that they hurt even before I get out of bed. I've ordered some compression tights but am not convinced that it will help. My doctor just says to put my feet up but that doesn't seem to help anymore. She gave me a name of a cardiovascular doc to see for treatment after the baby is born. She said that they can't do anything now because more than likely it will mean surgery. I think I'm gonna go see him now anyway just to discuss some things that I can do to relieve the pain. It is really making me miserable.
I had Ross take these pictures last night after a very very long day, my face looks terrible, but you can see how huge I am.

This morning Lily decided that she was going to dress herself. I often let her pick out her own clothes, but this morning was especially funny. You can't tell much by the pic, but that hat is flowered too. I think I'll let her wear this for awhile but will change her before we go to a birthday party... this is a little TOO independent for me.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Piano Player?

Lily and I decided to listen to some music with dinner tonight because Ross was away. We chose the Eurythmics and Lily seemed to really like them. At the beginning of this song Lily pushed her plate forward and started playing air piano! I don't know if she has ever seen anyone play the piano before, but I cracked up because she was being really serious. I jumped up for the camera and when I came back she had the milk in her mouth but still playing the piano.

I hope this means that she got the musical gene that some of my family got but I didn't.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Reasons that Lily is happy to have a new baby

Lily is happy for having a future little brother, here is why:
  • she gets to get a new big girl bed
  • Granny will be here to read books to her and take her to the park
  • she will be 3

Gotta love the logic of a 2.75 year old.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Busy busy day yesterday. How to wear out a toddler

Yesterday Lily and I spent 5 hours at Chuck-e-Cheese for a playdate then, had a visit from Brandi, Todd and their 2 new doggies. A pair of rescue dogs, a chiwawa and a miniature greyhound. Lily ran around and around with the little guys chasing her, she loved it. Then, we all went to the beach and picked up Jeannie (my cousin who is in town for a conference) and she took us all to dinner at O'Malley's. We took Lily's bike so she could ride around on the patio and the broadwalk while we waited for the food.
When we got in the car at the end of the night she immediately closed her eyes and said "Good night". Pooped.
Slept in today too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm totally unsure what bunnies, chocolates and hiding eggs in the yard has to do with Easter, but we played along.
Ross never did the dying Easter egg thing so that whole concept was completely foreign to him. And for him, he grew up finding chocolate eggs in the house, that is foreign to me! So, we compromised and colored a few hard boiled eggs with crayons and hid candy filled plastic eggs inside AND out.
This video is of some of the conversations that Lily and I had yesterday while coloring Easter eggs.

This morning I got up before anyone else and went and hid the eggs. I was at the computer at the kitchen table when Lily got out of bed. She ran to me all puffy-eyed (she has a cold right now) and said "Is the Easter Bunny here?"

I told her he had just left and she ran to the window to look for him. She grabbed her Easter basket and was so happy.

The challenge the rest of the day is for us all NOT to overdose on candy and chocolate.

After breakfast, we went to the beach. Today was the perfect beach day. The water was crystal clear, not a cloud in the sky and we got there early enough that there wasn't much of a crowd. Of course, I forgot the camera!

These videos are of the egg hunting:

Monday, April 06, 2009


Lily woke me up holding her Dora pillow saying "Mommy, I'm ready for my adventure"
Me too!
Today Lily just left with Sandy and the kids to go on a Spring Break vacation. She was so excited to go. I'm glad for the day off. Lily is so easy to take care of these days that I can still do most everything I need to do with her around, but I've been really craving an opportunity to spend extended amounts of time doing the same thing without interruption. I am a die-hard multi-tasker but some days I just like to actually get an email written in one sitting without having to pause in the middle to stop Lily from writing on the walls or needing to help wipe her rear end. Selfish, I know. But I'm happy for the break every now and again.
Sandy didn't have a real plan on what they were going to do for their adventure but she was thinking the Zoo or something here locally then stay the night in a hotel. (Sandy is my cousin by the way for those of you un-related)

******* Pause ***********
how completely ironic! As I was typing this, I realized that I forgot to give Sandy the stroller so I had to stop what I was doing and jump in the car to go catch her two exits down on 95.
Ok, so now, on to my vacation. Sewing projects!