Thursday, September 24, 2009

Our baby is 2 months old already

Eric turned 2 months old yesterday!
He is the sweetest thing ever and we absolutely adore him but he has been much harder to handle than Lily was. Or, maybe it is just that when Lily was this age we didn't have an attention demanding kid to take care of also. Either way, these last two months have flown by. Eric is just now starting to have a sleeping pattern emerge (yay!) but we are a very long way away from a full nights sleep. We get up at least 2 times to feed, but several times this week it has only been twice. The feedings are easy though because he eats and goes right back to sleep. Lucky-duck Ross doesn't even have to get up to help anymore.
The hard part is getting him to sleep in the first place. Ross and I have been so programmed to thinking that our child care times end at 8 when Lily goes to bed that it is difficult for us to adjust to the fact that we don't get to clock out that early any more. Eric likes to start wailing at around 8:30 or 9 and usually doesn't get to bed until about 10. This has been really difficult for me because this is the time that I usually do my office work. So, now, I have to somehow find the time to do that. As you can imagine, I have a pile of work to be done that is not getting done. And, unfortunately it is starting to show in my bank account!
Eric is starting to smile and respond to us and that is the best part of parenting. He has such fantastic expressions and I've gotten a couple of good pictures on my cell (to be downloaded soon) He is even holding his head up! and has become a real fatty.
Lily, she is smart as a whip and her favorite thing to do right now is rhyme. She is memorizing nursery rhymes and likes to come up with rhyming words. I've gotten a few on video (again, to be downloaded soon)
ok, now back to work....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Race for the Cure time again

Ok people... it is that time of year again!

The Race for the Cure is Saturday October 17, 2009

Last year I set a goal of having 10 team members and raise a grand. Last year I didn't get 10 people to attend the race with me (sadly, only two!) but somehow managed to raise well over a thousand dollars.

I like to be an over-achiever and try every year to do better than the year before but since we are in the middle of an "economic downturn" or whatever it is the politicians like to call it, I didn't raise my goal. I'm going to again shoot for raising a thousand dollars but work really really hard at actually getting 10 people to participate with me.

So far, there are 7 people signed up on my facebook page saying they are going to participate, but only 3 of those folks have actually registered for the race. We've raised $105 thus far.

Hopefully, I can meet my goals this year.

If you wanna help with a donation or join my team, or just check out our progress CLICK HERE


I remember at some point soon after having Lily, we decided that having a schedule and a routine was the way to go with a baby. We went from being night owls to early risers and got so used to our daily routine that I don't need to look at a clock to tell you when it is lunchtime and there was never a fight about bedtime.
I still believe in the routine but right now it is making me crazy. Mainly because Eric doesn't have a schedule yet. Lily is like clockwork but I can't predict anything with Eric. Many times Eric is wailing or won't let me put him down at the time that Lily needs something. In turn, she has a meltdown because she is so conditioned for a certain time. Two screaming kids needing attention. Ugh.
I really need work to balance things. I don't know how single moms do it or people with more than two babies! I've got Ross who is a huge help AND Brandi too and still struggle.
The sleeping situation has improved. Eric does sleep for longer intervals but I still haven't gotten more than a 3 hour stretch of sleep time.
I have gotten really savvy with my iphone though. I can get all sorts of things done while walking around with Eric on my shoulder trying to rock him back to sleep (including writing this blog)
I've somehow managed to make time to run on a semi-regular basis and have been trying real hard to get ready for the Race for the Cure. I've put a team together again. Oct 19 if you wanna join me. I'll get the link up as soon as I get to a real computer but I'm sure you could find it by searching the Miami affiliate for Team Betty.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

6 weeks

(Sorry, it is the only picture I've got on this computer. It is of the new shirt that Aunt Marie sent to Eric. I don't think he likes MTSU)

The only reason I have time to post right now is because I traded my exercise time for computer time. Ross and I have decided to trade off. He went running then I was supposed to go running but just needed to catch up on computer stuff instead.


Eric is 6 weeks now and we took him to the doctor because he was crying non-stop and only sleeping in 20 minute intervals. He has reflux and they have put him on meds that take a week to kick in, so, we are going insane around here.

We've done ok so far because Marje was still here but she left two days ago and it feels like a week.

Lily is driving me up the wall too because she is so used to getting constant attention and has gotten very jealous of Eric.

Other than that, both kids are awesome and putting on weight. Lily gained 3 lbs since her birthday and now weighs 35lbs. Eric weighs 11lbs and me, I've lost quite a bit (yay!) I weigh 134 only four pounds off from my pre-pregnancy weight. I can get into most of my clothes but they just don't look good around the middle. Not bad for 6 weeks. Guess all this walking the floors carrying a baby non-stop and not sleeping is great for weightloss.