Sunday, March 30, 2008

Drunken Foolishness

this is a shot of the boys taking shots... poor Ross, doing Jager through a straw!

My friend Dickson is in town for work and he only has a couple of days left so last night we conned Brandi & Todd into spending the night here so that we could go up to Ft. Lauderdale & meet up with him. Well, you already know by the title of this post that we ended up a little bit drunk.

He works for Howl at the Moon and is helping out down here for spring break so we met him at his work and had a couple of beers there before heading down the strip. We didn't go to that many places and I kept sitting out when they ordered shots, but somehow we ended up completely wasted. We left our car there and took a cab home. I'm not sure what arrangement we made about the car because it was in a garage and we gave Dickson the key when we left. I'm a little concerned now because I had several text messages this morning from him. They go like this:
"How do I turn the lights off?"
"How do I get out of this jeep?"
"I can't get the key out of the ignition"
maybe having Dickson move the car wasn't that great of an idea either. See kids, alcohol is bad!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

Lily has gotten to where she knows when I'm going out and sometimes she gets pissed when she figures out that she doesn't get to go too. She started getting worried when I started putting on makeup and then got pretty upset when Brandi showed up. She loves Brandi, but at that point I think she realized that I was leaving her there with Brandi.
She didn't even enjoy playing dress up!

She finally came around.

This is no way to treat the babysitter!

Thanks Brandi for letting Ross and I have a fun St. Patty's day at Shenanigans.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Catch up ... yet again

Ross taught Lily some gang signs

Last week Lily was sick for a day. She kept making me hold her and then would fall asleep in my arms. Then, she threw up on me. I got her cleaned up and me cleaned up then she threw up on me again. and then again. After three clothes changes and hours holding her she got right back to her normal self!

Well, I haven't posted in awhile because Lily is STILL not napping during the day! (with the exception of the sick day) I had it all worked out where I was finally getting caught up with all my work and have streamlined a few things in order to get everything done in the little worktime I have at night and during the nap. Well, the last two weeks Lily has only napped when she is at the babysitter or when Ross is watching her. If I'm home she has to be attached to me. When I am at the computer she is in the chair with me or screaming to get in the chair with me.

Finally, today she took a nap! Yay. Not quite caught up yet in just one day, but it is a good sign.

Sunday we ran into Sam, Dave & the kids at the beach so that was good fun. Monday... St. Patty's day at Shenanigans, again, good fun. Ross actually worked the day shift to help them out and then got off work and had some beers with me while Brandi & Todd babysat Lily. The Sunday before, I introduced Dickson to the beach life here in Hollywood. Took him to all the happening spots. Both of them. Didn't get any pictures though.... I should have.

And, that is pretty much it for now.

Ross is healing better but still can't open his mouth big enough to eat a sandwich. We've discovered that Shepard's pie is a good meal for someone with their jaw partially wired closed.

Cheese eater

Friday, March 07, 2008

Why are we so collectively stupid?

Back in 2000 our country had a huge debacle over "popular vote" vs. electoral votes and for months we couldn't even decide who our president was. Why weren't things updated or "fixed" back then? Instead, we let the government elect the government, or was it the media?
either way, once it was swept under the rug we just continued on and never fixed a thing.
Well, I can't say that changes weren't made. Some were, some districts switched back to paper ballots, some went to computers, some purchased new touch screens. etc, etc.
No one bothered to look at how broken our system really is.
Now, here we go again.
And of course, being a Floridian, we are right in the middle of it AGAIN.
This system angers me completely.
I think I will be sick to my stomach if it happens again. If the democratic party elects someone that the people did not vote for. I voted for McCain and plan to in the general election too, so it isn't that I'm an Obama supporter, I'm just angry that Clinton could get a free ride because she has more friends in politics.
I was incensed when I heard that Florida's democratic delegates were not going to count and surprised that more people didn't complain about it in the first place. We were damned from the start. How do you tell an entire state that they have no voice in choosing a candidate and get away with it? Have we really come that far away from our core values of a government elected by the people?
Then, there is this issue of "super delegates" that just makes me fuming mad. The electorate system was started back in the days where votes literally had to be counted by humans so it made sense that local officials would poll their area then report to the state then the states would report to the national parties. Now, in our modern world, that system is stupid and antiquated. It made sense to do things that way back then, now, there is no excuse why we couldn't have a straight popular vote. Even in the primaries.
Plus, the super delegates don't even have to vote for the candidate that their constituents want! The entire reason for creating a "super delegate" was to prevent an "un-electable" candidate from winning the democratic nomination. What? How democratic is that?
The people cast their votes to elect candidate A and then the super delegate says "no, I don't think candidate A will be able to beat the Republican candidate, we are going to vote for candidate B instead"
Where is the voice of the people?

Regardless of the way this all boils down in the end, we've screwed it up. Me, for example. I'm an independent. But in order to be able to vote in Florida, I had to pick a side. I am passionate about certain things that are Democratic views, and also passionate about things that are Republican views so picking a side was difficult. So, when I found out that Florida had been stripped of their democratic delegates, the DNC had made my decision for me. So, I switched my registration to Republican. Had the DNC not done that (or Florida not moved their primary... whichever you want to blame) I may have decided to vote Democratic. Who knows.
And then there are those who usually vote Democrat and didn't foresee this debacle and just didn't bother to go to the polls because they knew their vote wouldn't count.
There is no way to say how Florida's vote would have turned out if we weren't' stripped of our delegates in the first place.
Would it be the same? Would it have worked out better for McCain? Worse? Would Clinton have still won? Who knows... there are just too many factors to count.
And a do-over! That wouldn't be fair either. What if people like me decided that we wanted to vote Democrat instead? Would I be allowed to vote on the Democratic re-do?
And where would the money come from? Take it away from the schools? the firefighters? the police?
I'd only recently started following politics and I'm beginning to think I was better off back when I stuck my head in the sand. Certainly would have been better for my health.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ross is getting better... I am frazzled

Lily took Ross's funny talking better than Zelda did. Zelda acted very strange around Ross for about 2 days. Ross told Lily that he had a boo-boo so now she just keeps saying over and over "Daddy, boo boo, mouth"
pre-accident, Lily would fall or something and come to me saying "boo boo" and then point to where she was hurt. Now, if she falls or crys and I ask her where is her boo boo, she opens her mouth! Silly girl.

We went to the carnival but didn't stay long. The BBQ was killing Ross and since we weren't drinking, eating, riding rides and didn't want to waste money throwing darts at balloons... there wasn't much else to do. I was hoping for some good live music but since the band was my neighbors' band, that didn't pan out so well. They practice at my neighbors house (the one that is REALLY close to ours) twice a week and they are TERRIBLE! Worst band ever. They play the usual southern rock covers and just butcher them.

I thought this was sweet that Lily and Ross were relaxing in the sun but then right after I took this picture the hammock broke!

This morning I was checking my email at the kitchen table while Lily was eating breakfast and I looked up to see that she had put down her spoon and was eating her cottage cheese with a BACKSCRATCHER!!! Believe it or not, she did better with that than a spoon!

Ok, so to the meat of the blog....

Ross is recovering well. It has been a week since the surgery and the swelling has gone down and he is able to speak enough that people can understand him. The phone is a bit of a challenge especially if the person on the other end doen't know that his jaw is wired shut!

Me, I am so frazzled. Lily hasn't taken a nap since returning from Melbourne and I am realizing how dependant I am on that 2 hour break mid-day. I really depend on it to get my work done. I have exactly 4 hours to work each day, 2 hours during the nap and 2 hours at night. If Lily doesn't nap it cuts my workday in HALF! Plus... it is making me crazy. I don't know if it is just that I need my sanity non-baby talk time or if it is that Lily is tired so she is crankier? or maybe it is because I 've stayed up too late trying to get my work done?

Who knows...