Friday, March 31, 2006


My dad sent me this. This is a picture of my Great-Great Grandmother Lillian and her children. This is where we came up with the name for Lilly. She was born in 1863 in England and immigrated with her parents. She became a widow at 36 and lived to be 67. She played organ in the same little church that I was baptised in, and built the family home that my Dad and Aunt's still own today (we lived there for a little while when I was about 4). She died on Christmas Day 1932. Her oldest son (left at the top) is my grandfather's father

Saturday, March 25, 2006

23 Weeks

I am 2 pounds away from weighing as much as Ross! I have gained almost 20 pounds. My doctor says that I can gain 35 and still be healthy, so I guess I will be out weighing him soon.
My belly is 40 inches around.
I finally broke down today and bought some maternity clothes. I feel so much better now that I can be comfortable in my clothes. Some of them are actually kinda cute. I should have done this weeks ago.

Changes.... not just my body

Sorry, but I am going to have to have a little rant here. All these pregnancy changes thus far have been pretty novel and exciting, until recently when I am starting to see some negatives. The biggest one is the work issue. I know I shouldn't be stressing because that is really bad for the baby, but it is hard to help. Joe Udell (the GM) won't let me work on the weekend nights anymore, so I am really pissed. Discrimination, I know, but there is nothing that I can do about it. The bar has less than 50 employees so they don't have to abide by the same laws as most employers. I could sue, but that really isn't feasible because the cost of lawyers wouldn't be worth it. I am really pissed because physically, I am perfectly able to do that job. I haven't been in any kind of trouble, missed any shifts or done anything wrong. The only change is the way that I look. And now, I am not allowed to work. I have worked every Friday night since working at O'Malley's and feel that I have built a really strong clientele, and now I am only allowed to work weeknights!
I guess I should have started using my degree years ago instead of remaining in the bar scene! So, ultimately, I guess it is my fault.
Sorry this picture is so bad. As you can see, I took it myself in the mirror and I really should have smiled, but I thought maybe it was time to put a picture of me from the front.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Thanks Christy Hodge!

For once in my life I am not at all excited about buying new clothes! I really don't like maternity clothes, but I am now getting to the point where I am going to have to buy some. Then....Ross brings home a huge shopping bag full of maternity clothes! Thanks Christy Hodge!
For those out of towners, Christy works at Shenanigans with Ross and recently had a baby girl. Perfect timing!
Have I told you all about my belly button yet?
Well, I was sure that I would have some suprises along the way, but this one is really freaking me out. My belly button is turning inside out! I have always had an innie, but now my belly button is on the verge of becoming and outie! It kinda hurts too. None of the books said anything about this and it is so gross. I am tempted to put a picture up just for the car accident effect. You know, you don't wanna look but you can't help it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

latest Sonigram pics

latest sonigram pictures. I can never tell anything from these pictures, but when you see it being done live, you can see so much. She moves and kicks and it is so cute. The doctor says that she weights 14 ounces. She is almost up to a pint!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that last week I started to feel her moving around. At first it sort of felt like gas, but it is a little different. Sometimes she moves a bunch and sometimes I don't feel it for hours. I am hoping that is an indicator that she really likes to sleep. I think she is going to be a night owl though, because she never kicks in the morning and almost always starts moving around a bunch after midnight.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Starting to look pregnant

I am finally starting to look pregnant. I know it sounds weird, but although I am much bigger around the middle, I don't feel nearly as fat! Up until the last few weeks I have felt really fat because I didn't really look pregnant, I just looked bigger. Does that make any sense?
As you can see from the picture, my belly has finally caught up to my boobs!
Of course now that people can see that I am pregnant, I have been encountering a few new things. The biggie..... people rubbing my belly as if a Genie were going to come out or something. People, please don't do this to pregnant women! Spread the word, tell all your friends. Just because it is a baby in there and we all love to touch cute little babies, it is still my stomach for now and that is just plain weird.
Another strange phenomena is people's questions. I love this one..."So who's is it?" I have gotten that one twice this week! I am thinking... if you don't know me well enough to know Ross, or at least know that I am married, what makes you know me well enough to ask me who I have been sleeping with? Kinda strange huh?
Or.... the other strange compulsion is that people tell you about past miscarriages that they have had or their friends have had. Do people really think that a miscarriage is what a 5 month pregnant woman would want to know about? I mean really!!!!!