Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Makin' Stuff, Doin' Stuff

Lily made a birdfeeder. She is very proud of it. No birds have ever eaten from it, but we keep watching anyway. Notice her green on green outfit? Being the independent spirit that she is, she picks out her own clothes and is very particular about what matches and what does not. I told her that this one didn't match and she said "yes it does! Green, green. See... I'm monochromatic!"
I'm so proud that Ross did some handy dandy work for me and replaced our bathroom sink. I know what you are thinking... "why on earth would anyone want to get rid of a pink sink?"
He did an awesome job but I forgot to take an AFTER pic... it really is complete, I promise.
These are Lily's monsters. She loves drawing monsters and will draw monster after monster all day long. She would go through a pack of paper if I would let her. These 8 were completed before 9AM. Notice how she writes her name on them? I'm so proud of her. 3 and a third and can write her name! (well... we have to work on the Y a little, but I still think it is awesome)
Eric is such a chunky butt that we had to move him from the infant bath to the next stage bathtub. He is really too young for this one because he doesn't really sit up on his own yet but he seems to still like it.
Lily using a stencil and markers. She is no longer allowed to use markers.
She wrote on the couch AND the carpet in her bedroom.
Today we were talking about Christmas and Santa and I asked her if she has been a good girl this year and she said "no. I wrote on the carpet and the couch with markers. We better get that cleaned up before Christmas"

Its Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Eric is 4 months old this week! So, in celebration of his 4 month birthday, we gave him Banana. This is his first food other than breastmilk. He is funny because he really doesn't get it. Lily started cereal at 3 months and took to it fine. Eric, his mouth doesn't seem to want to keep it inside. It is pretty funny. He loves it, but I'm not sure if he is loving the attention or the new taste. Because it is more for a novelty than anything else, I started to give him his banana at dinner. We have a sit down meal for dinner every night as part of our routine so I figured that Eric would enjoy being a part of it too..
This picture is Lily playing with Eric during "Tummy Time" which he HATES
Lily decided that she wanted to have lunch in front of the TV. I told her 'no' because I didn't want her to get food on our new rug. So, being the brainiac that she is, she set herself up with a table and chair not on the rug (but really close to the TV)
This is what ROCKS about working from home. Ross hates that I've taken over the pool table, but it is so nice for me to be able to spread out my stuff on the table to work and have my babies "work" with me.
Lily is playing with Eric.... sweeeeet!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Things leading up to Halloween were hectic so we didn't get around to carving our pumpkins. Ross has been doing all sorts of promotions at nights and weekends that just add to his regular workload (but unfortunately, not his paycheck! another story, another day) and of course, I bit off more than I can chew with sewing projects so we waited until Sunday Nov. 1st to do our jack-o-lanterns.
I spent hours and hours making Lily a Princess Aurora (sleeping beauty) costume but two days before Halloween realized that she fit into my brothers' Naval Aviator flight suit costume. So, we dressed her in that one to go to the Boo Bash (Child's party downtown) the night before Halloween then wore the Princess costume for Trick-or-treating on Saturday.
Lily woke up Halloween morning feeling very sick so that is why she looks so sad in these pictures. Because she is. A little girl she befriended in line for the bounce house at the boo bash coughed one of those wet nasty coughs right in her face and I'm just sure that is where she got it. She was miserable, but would cry and cry if I suggested that we skip trick-or-treating. It broke my heart. We went to just a handful of neighbors' houses and she started to cry and asked to change clothes. So, we went back and put on the flight suit. We drove to the rich neighborhood and trick-or-treated a little there. We definitely over-did it because when we got home Lily started running a high fever and both kids were a screaming mess. Ross was working so he missed all of it. Thankfully Brandi was here so she could run to the store for Children's Tylenol and juice.
I was Flo, the progressive spokes girl. This picture isn't really good but I'll have to post another one once I download my phone pics or Brandi's camera. Ross and I went to an adult Halloween party on Friday night and he was the Geico Caveman so it was really cute. We won the costume contest! A whopping $27.00! It was more than we spent on our costumes so we still came out ahead. If only Lily had won a contest, I spent close to $60 on the fabric for hers!

Don't worry.... she DID wear shoes. These Aviator pics were from the days BEFORE Halloween when we were just playing dressup.

Pumpkin Patch

Mid October - David & Sherah's visit

Needless to say, I'm behind on my blog. I'm still having trouble balancing everything that I need to do with two kids, two jobs and a household to run. I'm getting better though. I've finally organized myself into a planner that is divided into sections for each segment of my life. It is helping me stay focused even if I can only work for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
The part on my to-do list for today was to upload Halloween pictures but I realized that I never did pics from David & Sherah's visit mid month. So, here are these first... Halloween next.
The Hollywood Beach Clambake. We left Eric home with Brandi because I really don't feel comfortable having him out in the sun. A cold front had come in that weekend and although we still weren't able to turn off the AC, it was very comfortable on the beach. (notice my long sleeves?)

Eric LOVES this toy that is in his bed.

This wig is a pumpkin wig and she is hiding under the pool table along with all the rest of our junk.