Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Because Aunt Linda told me to

I talked to Aunt Linda yesterday and she reminded me that I haven't updated the blog in a long time so here goes. Toward the end of March I donated my hair again to Locks of Love. I hate having short hair, but as you can see from the photo, I really needed a haircut! Oh well... it is a renewable resource and even though I don't have alot of money to give to charities, I do have alot of hair!You can donate your hair too (I got a free haircut out of it too by going to Great Clips) information on how to do it is on their site http://www.locksoflove.org/
On the first, I finally went and got that tattoo that I've been talking about for years and years
I'd saved up and set aside the money years ago and bonus for me, inflation on tattoos wasn't nearly as high as I had expected. My last tattoo before this one was in the late 90s and it cost me about $200 so I figured I'd need about $300. Lucky me, it only cost me $150! But, as luck tends to always swing in both directions, the City of Hollywood caught me running a redlight via photo/video (oops) so I had to give them the rest of that money I'd set aside for tattoos.
it is a Flame Lily, the national flower of Zimbabwe.
Most of my time in the last 6 months or so has been spent working my booty off to organize the Odd Duck Bazaar. This was the second year of the show and I was so proud of the outcome. There was so much blood/sweat/tears put into this event and it really paid off.
we were written about pre-show in three newspapers, one local and two regional! Last year we were only featured post-show on the newspapers' websites. We had about 1500 attendees! Magners was one of our sponsors and set up a tasting booth at the event.
Ross's staff girl ended up getting sick and needing extra help, so he had to work part of the event. Brandi was originally volunteering at the show's admissions booth, but when Ross had to come up there, Brandi had to leave to take the kids home. Eric spent a few moments helping his dad. Sweet huh?
The other day we received a parcel from Zimbabwe with some love gifts from Granny & Grandpa.
The next picture is slightly out of order, but it was from the weekend before Odd Duck when I took Lily out on a girls day to go to a craft show in Boca. It was a combo, show promoting and spending some quality time with my girl. We shopped, ate handmade Popsicles, got a glitter tattoo from the henna artist and ate out for lunch.
I swear, these kids spend so much time in the dirt! I have so many pictures of them looking like this...

Now I really need to get back to work. SOMEBODY, who will remain name-less, allowed Lily to play with my laptop on the couch and she broke the screen so I'm working on finding things around here to sell so I can get an ipad.