Sunday, July 26, 2009

Eric Owen Mitchell

Ok, so the official stats:
Eric Owen Mitchell born July 22, 2009 at 5:38PM
weighs 7lb 9oz
length 20"

Ross & I's self portrait as they are getting me ready for surgery. I'm so much happier here because they have given me the IV and I am no longer thirsty.
They let Lily come in too. They only allow one person at a time to come in but Lily wasn't considered a whole person so she got to come in with Marje.

I had my tubes tied too so we had a few more minutes to get to know little Eric in the OR. He only opened one eye for us but didn't scream nearly as much as Lily did.

Last few photos while still a family of only 3

This is one of Lily's new outfits for her birthday. She is modeling here.

And she got a card from our cousin Becky that turned into a crown so here she is modeling it.

One last belly shot the night before Eric was born.
This was the day that we had Eric. Lily actually got in trouble because we caught her standing on a chair in the living room putting in a DVD. I figured it was a cartoon or something but she started crying saying she wanted to watch "pi-o-tees"
Marje and I couldn't understand what she was talking about but when she layed down on the floor with the stretch band I got it. Sure enough, the video she had put in was Pilates!

This was taken during the day before going to the hospital

I told Lily to dance (even though there is no music) and I guess I caught her in a mood to perform....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pics with my new camera & first haircut

Daddy sent me a new camera to take pictures of Eric because my old camera (the one he bought me when Lily was born) was not doing so well. The battery door was broken and it took a minute or so of fiddling just to make it snap one picture. Not very effective when trying to take photos of children!
So, the day it arrived my feet were very swollen and Marje offered to give me a foot massage. I was like a queen sitting on the couch getting my feet rubbed while I played with my new camera.
Awhile back Lily and I layed on the bed and took self portraits so now every time I tell her that I want to take pictures of her she wants to go lay on my bed and take self-portraits

Every time Marje sits down to her computer to check her email or anything, Lily pulls her chair up next to her so she can look at pictures. I think she thinks that is all we do on computers is look at pictures and play on
We decided that it was time for Lily to get her first haircut. Being that we are cheapskates and I cut Ross's hair and only get mine cut twice a year at Supercuts, Lily gets the at-home-ghetto-cut too. She liked all the attention and I barely cut anything except for evening up the ends a little. It looks good though, nice and healthy.
We cancelled Lily's birthday party on Saturday because she had been not feeling well since Monday. She hadn't eaten much all week and even though she wasn't vomiting anymore, she started having diarrhea so we were afraid that she may be dehydrated. We took her to the ER Saturday morning and they have her some anti-nausea meds and she perked up immediately and ate a banana. Saturday she was up and down all day alternating between being lethargic and being herself.
At one point when she was feeling good we had cake and did the candles and everything.
She helped me decorate the cake and requested that her cake have her name on it in Green. And, because we were planning for pizza for the party anyway, so we had pizza for dinner.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Lily, EKG & Ultrasound

This picture is of Lily on the Fourth. We spent the day at the beach then Brandi put her in this outfit to wait for the fireworks. I made this outfit for her when she was one! She wore it again last year and although technically fit on her, it was a little too small to get away with one more year.
From our roof we can see fireworks from 5 different displays. So, even though I disagreed, Ross decided that he was going to take Lily up there to watch the show. Of course, I wasn't going to get up there but even though I didn't think she should, I was going to allow Lily to do it. Lucky for me, she chickened out. She never has liked fireworks. We have tried to talk her out of being scared and she acts like she is excited about them and wants to see them but when it came down to it, she was frightened. The shows started at 9 and this is about an hour after her bed time so we just hugged and layed in her bed and joked about how the fireworks sound like popcorn popping. Maybe next year.
Last week when we took Lily for her 3-year check up the doctor said that he thought he may have heard a murmur in her heart and recommended that we see a specialist. So, this is Lily getting an EKG.
The nurse was sweet to tell her that the stickers were "magic stickers" with strings attached and they were gonna watch the wiggly lines on the TV. As you can see from the pictures, she kinda liked the experience.
The doctor said that the EKG looked fine but he could hear the murmur too so he did an ultrasound to see more.
This picture makes it look like she was sad, but she wasn't. The doctor wasn't as entertaining as the nurse, but she didn't mind this experience. She has been with me twice for my ultrasounds so she had seen it before. She told the doctor that she didn't have a baby in there! As it turns out, she does have a murmur. I forgot the technical name but basically she has a leaky valve. There is nothing to be done about it and it won't effect her at all at this point in her life. They told us to come back in a year to keep an eye on it. There is a good chance she could outgrow it. One of my best friends is a nurse practitioner for a Cardiologist so I talked to her about it and she reinforced what the doctor told me, that we didn't need to be worried.
So, we came home and played in a box.
Who knows how I missed the fact that she had a bottle of baby powder in there with her.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

17 days to go

Today I weigh 161 pounds, have a 43" waist and ankles & feet so fat that they look like giant marshmallows.

I'm tired non-stop but Ross is awesome about letting me sleep in. Lily is getting irritated about having to pick everything up for me and I'm sure is tired of hearing me say that I have trouble bending over.

I have been craving nothing but junk food but have managed to make it this entire pregnancy without ordering pizza once! Not sure how I managed that so far because when I was pregnant with Lily, I ordered pizza twice a week.

That is all I have for now. Hopefully I'll either break down and get a new camera soon or download the pics on my phone.