Monday, November 21, 2011

Crafting is in their genes

Me and Lil
As if I wasn't already head over heels in love with this little girl, she just steals my heart more and more by doing things like this
I have been working on this sign for the aprons that I sell at craft shows so this board has been on the counter for days. The other night Lily pulls out her colored pencils and went to work making one of her own. I wouldn't let her touch mine so she was running back and forth, from the counter to the table. She would run over and check this detail or that, making sure she had everything right. You can't tell from this picture, but she even has the little squiggly lines and things in the word 'kitschy'.
The next day I taught her how to do patchwork on the machine.
I'm so glad she is a crafter!

Eric just may be a crafter too. Today I was going to take Lily with me to a craft show while Eric & Ross stayed home to take a nap but he threw a fit when he found out he wasn't going. He cried and cried saying "craft show" so Ross got lucky to have the whole afternoon to himself in a quiet house. They had a kids craft table where they got to make Indian hats (I know there is a name for these things, just can't remember it)
And Eric wore his all day

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Broken computer, saving money, loosing a job and Halloween 2011

Eric knocked over the tower to my computer a few weeks back and broke the hard drive completely, so I lost everything (this is why there aren't many pictures). I'm pretty impressed with my thrifty-ness in the repair of the computer. I talked a friend of mine (who happens to work in computers specializing in hardware) into fixing it for me and was able to pay him in Magners (that Ross got for free because of a labeling error over in Ireland). I needed to buy the new hard drive so I talked Office Depot into a price-match from $96 to an advertised $59 sale at Best Buy so that I could use my $20 reward (from turning in empty ink cartridges all year). So, basically I paid about forty bucks in all. Not bad huh?
I recently got laid off from Monstertixx so the need for extreme thrift is more of a necessity now than ever before. I'll be hired back when baseball season starts, or if the NBA decide to quit being greedy and come to an agreement or if people actually decide they would enjoy seeing the crappy Dolphins play, basically when/if ticket sales become more in-demand.

The weather tried its best to ruin it, it had been raining and raining and a tropical storm came through over that weekend, but it managed to stop raining long enough to trick or treat.
The Friday night before Halloween was the Boo Bash, an annual event hosted by the city for the kids. Every year this has been fun, but this year they didn't give any candy at all so the kids were pretty disappointed. They had bounce houses but you had to be 5 in order to get in them so that didn't work out so well for Eric. The following pictures are of Lily's costume:

She and I dressed like Jesse from Toy Story and Eric was Batman. I made mine & Lily's but I wasn't about to attempt a homemade Batman. We borrowed his from a friend.
We were supposed to go to a pumpkin carving party and then Trunk or Treat at the Y on Sunday, but Lily decided to stay up all night Saturday night pretending to be sick so we cancelled those fun events and carved our pumpkins at home.
Monday, actual Halloween, we went trick or treating in the rich people's neighborhood. In our neighborhood people don't answer the doors! It is pathetic. This other neighborhood, they throw parties in their yards and really go all out, so that is why we go there.
This last picture is from us playing at the field. It is our family workout that we like to do every now and then. We go to the baseball field at the neighboring school/church and run sprints and do drills and things while the kids just run around.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Eric loves being a baby

Eric doesn't want to be a big boy. He doesn't have any interest in getting big, gaining independence or using the potty. When we got a big bag of hand-me-downs from a friend and there were underpants in it, I couldn't even get him to try them on! If you ask him if he wants to try them on he says "Diapers!"
so, I guess I'm still clipping coupons for diapers for awhile.
If you ask him his name he'll tell you "Baby"
I may have babied him a little too much.