Monday, March 30, 2009

Such a little grown up!

I tell Lily over and over that no matter what, no mater how big she gets she will always be my baby. Well these days she acts more and more like a grown up than she does a baby. She just amazes Ross and I sometimes with her matter-of-fact way that she goes about doing things. Some of the stuff is not good, like the fact that she can get into the freezer and goes in and helps herself to Popsicles. Or when she goes to the toilet by herself and doesn't let anyone know, and I find out later when I see a huge skid-mark in her panties or she is crying that her bum hurts.

But some of it is so cute. This morning I told her we were going to pack our lunch and take it to the park. When I got out of the shower she had gotten her diaper bag and packed it with a change of clothes, my wallet, and was trying to get into the fridge to get my water bottle. It was so cute!

This video below is of Lily playing a Curious George Game on the computer. Until yesterday, I have not allowed her to use the computer. She gets up in the chair and tries to get to the computer every time we turn our backs, so finally, decided to see what would happen if I let her play a game. I was shocked because she knew exactly what to do. She can control the arrow using the laptop mouse-pad-thingy and then once she gets it lined up, she knows how to "click". She can use the regular mouse too but because she can't hold it still and click at the same time, the cursor moves before she gets to the click part.

We are in trouble, she is going to out-smart us by the time she is 10


We still cannot agree on a name. I checked out a baby name book from the Library and literally read the entire thing cover to cover. (I don't recommend this for pleasure reading... boring!) We have a list of names that I'm not excited about. I have a favorite that Ross says is a "low-class" name in Zimbabwe. According to the name book, biblical and literary names are upper class, but aparently that is not so in Zim. Ross's favorite name is one that makes me picture a shirtless red-neck with a mullet and a perpetual beer-in-hand. Ross says my 2nd and 3rd choices are "gay names" and I think his 2nd and 3rd choices are nerdy and over-used.

Boys names are WAY harder than girls.

Me, I am starting to feel this little guy moving around. He is pretty active for this early in the pregnancy. Another thing that is happening too early is that my vericose veins have gotten so bad that I can't do everything that I want to do. It is so strange too that they are only on one leg. I guess I should be thankful that I still have a "good leg" but the bad leg hurts after only 30 minutes of standing. I am annoyed that I have to lay down in increments throughout the day. I actually have energy to do things but can't without pain. I can't wait for the next few months to pass!

Here is a video of Lily and Ross playing in the bath.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Modeling Pictures by Ross

Ross took Lily outside yesterday evening to take some pictures of her in her new Rugby jersey. He and his parents splurged a little on this shirt for Lily and she looks so sweet in it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The demise of my Blog

I have been so slack about keeping up with this blog (and my work blog too!) and I blame it all on my iphone! This phone is amazing and can do so much that it has kept me away from the real computer so much that I keep forgetting to update the blog. It is a good thing that I'm not chained down to the desk anymore, but there are a few certain things that I just don't do as much of these days because of it. Granted, like I said, this thing is amazing, I CAN post blogs from the phone, it just isn't as easy to type so I tell myself that I'll do it later on the real computer but then don't get around to it.

Ross went to Dubai to see his brother play in the Rugby 7s World Cup at the beginning of the month. Here is a picture of him and his LITTLE brother.

They did very very well and won 3rd place overall! Ross hadn't seen Grant in about 6 years and his parents got to go too, so they had quite a good time in Dubai. Zimbabwe made a big stir in the media there because of all they had overcome to get there and all. Ross and his parents made the front page of the Dubai paper on the 2nd day they were there! (If Windows Vista wasn't so retarded and would allow my scanner to function I would have a picture here, but I don't, sorry). Here is Grant signing autographs.

My dad went internet shopping again and sent Lily 2 new bathing suits. So, of course, I had to take her to the beach to try them out.

I love this sprinkler park area they have here in Hollywood. It is right next to a parking garage that charges less per hour than the meters on the street, and there are bathrooms there too. It is perfect.

Actually, lately we've been taking advantage of all sorts of government funded things. I figured if it is there for us to use, we better be using it. The county gave away free native trees the other day and I got up early and went and picked up two! I've gotten a library card and been going to festivals and all sorts of stuff. Anything that is close-by and free.... I'm in.
Here is Lily with her face painted at the St. Patrick's Day parade.
That morning I woke up and realized that Lily had not one article of clothing that was green! A couple years back I made a bunch of St. Paddy's day skirts and patchworked together the leftover fabrics when I was done. I didn't know what I would do with that patchwork piece, but it sure came in handy this year. I made Lily a new dress with it. :)

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Now to think about names

On Thursday, I found out the baby's sex and it is a boy! Secretly I was hoping for a girl simply because I thought it would be cheaper and I could make the two of them share a room forever and never have to get a bigger house. I'm excited for a boy and although I haven't had a chance to talk to Ross about it yet (he is still in Dubai), I'm pretty sure he is extra happy for a son.
Lily went to the ultrasound appointment with me and was awesome. She sat in the chair next to me and said the gel on my tummy was gross. I kept trying to show her that if she looked on the screen she could see the baby in my belly, but she wasn't interested. I totally understand, I don't know how those techs do it, I have to be told what everything is. At one point I asked if we were looking at the face and she said, "No, that is a kidney". I felt really dumb.
She told me it was a boy and I said, "Lily did you hear that.... the baby is a boy! What do you think we should name him?" and immediately, with conviction said "Issac"
Funny. She does know a boy named Issac, he is a friend of the son of the woman who babysits her once a week. She must have a crush on him.
So, now that we know the sex, I need to get started going through all the baby stuff and tossing out all the pink and hopefully there will be enough left over that we won't have to buy much this time around.
Also, the hard part..... finding a name. Boy names are so much harder than girls names.