Monday, October 29, 2007

Do people REALLY make this kind of money?

I got an email today that just makes me wonder. Really? Is she serious? and have got to be kidding me!

It came in through my website's user form so it had to have been a real person and not a computer generated spam. I copied it here: (and blocked out her email address but not her name because it is posted all over her site anyway)

name = Kelly Neumane

mail = XXXXXXX

comments = I run a blog site fashion and celebrity that is ranked high Every week I will talk about one of your items linking it to your site and the advertisement to draw more traffic and more purchases, but not on text link ads.

300 x 75 (minimum flash) $150

300 x 250 (minimum flash) $250

Top Border $350

150 x 7 Link AdPods (left side bar) $125 150 x 200

Blog Ads (left side bar) $120

Text links $50.00

All prices are per month if you wish to advertise I could give you a discount price. Also 12 month text link at $360.00 If you are interested pleasse reply to this email.

Contact within 24hours and recieve a 25% discount.

Sure, I have ads on my blog, and I make a teeny tiny bit off them. (Well, is WAY more than I expected, but still not enough to pay for my internet connection) This chick has got to be insane! Well, no, I take that back, She has got to be brilliant if people are really paying these prices! Did you look at her blog? It is garbage. Just posting a photo or two of the latest "super star" idiots that we see too much of in the press anyway. Then maybe a comment or two on their clothes or hair. PUKE.

If she is really making this kind of money from every add she has on her blog...I am doing something WAY wrong!

I'm not the only one in a magazine!

The other day David, Lily and I are grocery shopping and of course in full Carney style, we are playing around and wasting time while we are at it. So, we are in the magazine aisle checking to see if they carry the magazine that I'm in yet (and YES, It is STILL current. It only comes out a couple of times a year so I'm current through the end of the year) and of course, they don't. Oh well, no one cares about ebay stuff except other ebay junkies anyway.

so, I glance over and see a fishing magazine with a chick on the front

GAFF magazine Cover

Last year Christy told me that she was doing this fishing tournament thing and that she was 'going to be famous'. If you know Christy, I'm sure you never doubted that she would be known, but who would have ever imaged it would be for FISHING? I know absolutely nothing about fishing, but apparently she and a girl friend of hers really dedicated themselves and joined some sort of tournament circuit. Christy told me that they were getting alot of publicity because they were an all girl team. So, being that I saw a chick on a fishing magazine and the cover reads "The girls of GAFF" (I have no clue what GAFF is, but the big fish clued me in that it was a magazine about fishing) I thought of Christy and picked it up.

I flipped in a couple of pages and sure-as-shit....there is Christy! The one my dad used to call "rocket scientist", right there in full color. Of course, after jumping around in the aisle a little and attempting to call her, I bought the magazine.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Oh, and Christy, if you are reading this....I don't have your current me.

Once I got home and read the article I realized that this was the 5th time she and her partner have been in this magazine! Wow.

I was so proud of myself for getting published, but now I am REALLY proud of Christy. I know she feels the same as I do where even though it doesn't pay well, and it is alot of work, it sure is wonderful to do what you love.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Getting Ready For Halloween

As you all might know, Halloween is my favorite time of year. Well, that is until I opened a costume shop. Right now I am so frazzeled over the idiots on ebay! I wish I had kept track of how many STUPID questions that I've received in the last two weeks! I am so behind too because two shipments of costumes just arrived in the last week! Not enough time for me to sell them all, so there goes my idea of burning out the inventory and closing up shop. Now, I'm going to have to spend my entire Christmas season moving the costume inventory that I didn't sell into Addicted to Rockabilly. no fun.
What HAS been fun, is playing with the costumes!

And we carved some jack-o-lanterns. Ross had never done this before so made a big deal of it. Lily didn't really care about what was happening, she just wanted to go to sleep.

Notice that David is using a DREMEL? Can't do anything the old fashion way huh?

And, believe it or not, Brandi was actually here for this event and didn't end up in any of my pictures! This is a miracle because she is usually insistent that she be front and center in all photo ops.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Carpet ride

Lily is into rugs and carpets. She goes around the house dragging them around. She will have the bathmats and the kitchen rug all with her wherever she is playing. I think David's game he invented has something to do with it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

No time....quick post

I am so swamped and behind on my work but I just wanted to add some pics from the last few days. We busted David out of rehab two weeks early. (joking, they just thought he would be better off in an 'outpatient' facility so he is here with us for a few weeks) Nichole came in town and we ran the race for the cure. Well, walked really. Well, the first half we sort of strolled because we got behind some VERY slow walkers. They were wearing jeans and carrying shopping bags so we should have known that they weren't there to win. That pink thing on her stroller is what everyone else wears on their backs. It reads "in memory of" or "in celebration of" and then you write in whatever you want. Lily's said "in memory of my Grandma" and because it was gameday, she wore here cheerleading uniform.
anyway, Lily has been trying on shoes for awhile but when she put on Nichole's she actually went for a walk in them! and we've discovered that she LOVES the sprinkler.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Funny Faces

"Hey look Mommy....I'm soaked!"

I remember doing this at FSU...too bad I never had a cheerleading uniform!

This picture doesn't really show how bad this shiner really is, but you know how Ross hates to have his picture taken. It is way more purple than you see in this picture. and, no, I didn't do this to him, it happened at Rugby. They won so I guess it was worth it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

picture comparison

I have this picture on my dresser so when I saw this one of Lily I thought it was so funny. I took mine out of the frame and my mom had written my age on the back. 14 months! Lily is 14 months (well, only days away from 15, but still!) Funny how much she looks like me huh?

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Pictures & David

We went to get our pictures made and Lily was so good. She was laughing and squealing and loving the attention of the photographer. I wanted to buy them but, as I've talked about before...we are BROKE!
Luckily I can look at them online and order more down the road if we win the lottery or something.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I also learned a lesson. Wear sleeves to photoshoots!

I haven't written about it here yet because I wasn't sure if I should or not, but I've decided to anyway because I feel that if people know that they will be more likely to understand what is going on.
I had no idea, not even a hint, until I got a call a couple of weeks ago from my brother's girlfriend. David is an alcoholic. He is now in rehab here in Florida and is working toward recovery. I felt helpless because I didn't know, I didn't see the signs and I am so far away all the time. Sherah and his high school friend Andy helped get him organized and ready to get help. I am so grateful for that. If it weren't for their thoughtfulness I don't know what would have happened.
I've put a lot of thought into this. They say that alcoholism is hereditary and I know it can destroy lives. Ross and I both have alcoholics in our families and through our years and years of working in bars we have seen quite a bit. One thing we are very naive to is the recovery process. Thankfully we have family that have been very supportive and helpful.
My cousin said something to me that really clicked. She said that being an alcoholic is sort of like having a severe allergy. That if you have it, alcohol has a different effect on you. This is an interesting concept to me and I think it makes a good bit of sense too. Ross is allergic to shellfish, if he eats it, he dies. In many cases this is the exact thing that happens to alcoholics.
I am so excited for David too. I feel like he is really at a good place in his life. He is so creative and intelligent and he will discover how much more he will be able to do with his new-found clarity. I am very hope full for him right now.
If you'd like to write to him, or send a card, email me and I'll give you the address.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Little Tykes red car

Week before last my cousins came down for a visit to celebrate a Birthday and they brought Lily a new car. Well, an old car but new to us. It is so funny how this car has the least amount of bells and whistles but Lily loves it best. She can't "drive" it on her own just yet but she will climb in and out of it over and over. Every now and then she can get it to go backward a few feet but I don't think it is on purpose. It is pretty funny how she will get out and push it across the room then get back in.
And another funny thing is how she climbs in backward. She gets in like her granddaddy gets in his Miata....but first.
Here is a video of David pushing Lily around and her backing into the car

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

So busy

I hate that I haven't added anything to the blog in so long. I have been so busy and so behind on my work that I just never seem to get it all done. And, I think it is a disorder or something because I keep coming up with new projects and new commitments. Maybe subconsciously I don't want to get finished?

Yeah, that is probably it. Having nothing to do would be boring.