Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm sorry, truly sorry. I had no idea that the Komen foundation had lost sight of the goal

Right now I am so angry that I'm struggling with the right words to express it. As you probably know, every year I raise a bunch of money for the Susan G. Komen foundation's Race for the Cure. This race is coming up on Saturday and my fundraising efforts were currently in full swing. That is... until about an hour ago.
The Susan G. Komen foundation spent millions this year going after other charities for the use of the phrase "for the cure" or for using the color pink. It made the news back in August, but I missed it, had I seen it then, I'd have never asked for your donations to this organization.
I can't even describe how angry this makes me. I've raised thousands upon thousands of dollars for this organization over the years and I donate 10% of every handmade sale that I make. I buy the Susan G. Komen stamps, I pay more for products that donate a percentage, and I run the race. I was getting really excited that next year would have been an entire DECADE of supporting this charity. I feel like I've been cheated.
I understand that charities have business obligations and sometimes tough decisions need to be made, but lawsuits to other (smaller) charities is a loose-loose. It forces those charities to shift their money away from their causes and into hiring lawyers to defend themselves. When the Susan G. Komen foundation ends up with a few extra million, why not spend it on something that would be a closer fit to the cause? Why not increase the per-dollar amount that is actually used in research? Build a Hospital! Geez, anything other than suing another charity!

Going forward plan:
  1. remove any Race related fundraising links I have on any of my sites
  2. replace all of the tags on all of my handmade products (it states that I donate 10%)
  3. draw a big black bar through the "Susan G. Komen foundation" script on my business cards where it says that I donate 10%
  4. Revise all of the eBay auctions that I am currently running that I had set up to automatically donate anywhere from 10% to 100% to the Susan G. Komen Foundation (*update* eBay won't allow charity changes in active listings, so I'll have to let these ride and change the charity when I re-list)
  5. Document this day in my sales records because I have a duty to make that 10% donation for the sales that I've made in the past year because otherwise I would be lying to my customers and that is just something I am not willing to do. I said I'd donate it, and I will. A percentage of future sales will go to another charity.
  6. Send an apology email to everyone that I asked money from letting them know
  7. write a message on my race day shirt tag. Not sure exactly how the wording will go, but it will honor my mom first then express my disappointment in the Susan G. Komen foundation
  8. Write a letter to the Komen foundation letting them know about my disappointment. I know it probably won't matter to them, but it will matter to me
  9. Research and find a better charity to support. I am proud that I, personally am able to donate hundreds of dollars and because of my awesome family and friends, usually able to pull that number over a thousand every year. I want to find a charity that hasn't lost sight of the goal and direct my money there instead.