Saturday, December 30, 2006

More Christmas

Here are some pictures of Lily on Christmas. She loved having everyone here, but wasn't really that impressed by the gifts. She thought it was fun to rip paper at first, but then got really bored with the whole thing. (My dad went overboard buying gifts so opening them took quite awhile) It was also pretty hot here and Lily was burning up in her long sleeved Santa pants-suit so she got to hang out in her diaper for awhile.
Could you imagine if adults had the same rules as babies do? It gets a little warm so they just strip down to their undies. I wonder if that would make my property value go up or down?

Friday, December 29, 2006


Christmas came and went so quickly for me. The last two weeks feel like a whirlwind. My entire family was here staying with us and it was so special to have everyone here at my house for Christmas. We kinda overcooked the turkey a little and forgot the baked potatoes at Publix (I swear I put them in the cart!) but everything else was excellent. Ross and I scrambled around getting everything cleaned and ready and now that everyone is gone we have to do it all over again. My house really isn't big enough for eight people, but we managed somehow. Ross got tired of cleaning up after my slob family and was amazed at how much beer we can drink. Ross and I took full advantage of the fact that we had so many people here to hold Lily. He even got a round of golf in today before Sherah left.

Monday, December 18, 2006

fatty & squirmy

Lily is getting so fat. I feel like we are feeding her too much. Is that possible? We have been letting her deligate when she eats. Because we don't have strengent schedules, we haven't really tried to get her on one either. I am thinking that might be something to work toward. She eats literally every 2 hours. I know that is fine for a newborn, but she is 5 months old now. And she eats alot too. I am not so much worried about her being a fatty, but I am wondering if this is healthy? I definately don't want to deprive my child, but I don't want to make her sick either. I did discover that giving her cereal at the nighttime feeding was what was making her wake up screaming. For the past week or so she has been waking up about two or three hours after going to bed. I thought she was teething, but the past two nights I skipped the night-time cereal and she hasn't woken up. She is funny when she sleeps though. I don't know how she can move so much while she is sleeping. I couldn't think of how to describe her movements, so I drew a chart.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Roll over

Lily has been rolling over for a few weeks, but I finally caught it on video. As you can see it isn't easy for her yet. She can only go from her back to her front, then I have to rescue her.


I thought that Lily would have brown eyes, so I made her doll with brown eyes. But, she is 5 months old now and her eyes haven't turned yet. Brown is the dominant gene and since Ross has brown eyes I thought for sure that Lily would have brown too. If they haven't changed by now, does that mean they will stay blue/gray?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sweet Potato

Yesterday I started giving Lily something other than cereal and formula. We started her with sweet potato because we already had some here at the house and the doctor said that it didn't matter what food we started with. She was so funny. She took a bite then shook her head and made a face like she had just done a shot or something. I guess the tartness of it compared to her formula was a bit of a shock to her. She opened right back up for the next bite so I continued to feed it to her. Today she did the same thing after every bite again. I don't know if she doesn't like it, or if it is kinda like the baby version of wasabi. Like it is torture and all, but you like it and want more. This picture is yesterday. We weren't messy at all compared to today. As I write this Lily is taking a nap and I am covered in sweetpotato. I haven't done laundry in a week and considering that I don't fit in most of my clothes, I have to continue to wear sweetpotato until the laundry is done. But instead of doing laundry....I'm going running as soon as I finish writing this. I love to run again now because I love my ipod that Ross got me for my birthday! I discovered that you can download books and NPR shows in podcasts and I am so happy listening to stories and comentary while I run.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Lily has been very interested lately in the way things feel. She will rub her fingers on something, then rub them on something else, then go back to the first thing, like she is comparing them or something. It first noticed her doing that one morning when I was changing her and she kept alternating between feeling the diaper basket and her terry-cloth pajamas. It is so cute. Just another thing to add to the list of how amazing it is to watch a baby grow.

She is reaching for everything now. We have to be very careful about how close we let her get to things. Twice this week she has slapped my coffee and made a huge mess. Luckily, I drink my coffee cold so there weren't any burning incidents! Last night I was holding Lily while standing in my closet trying to pick out something to wear and she kept turning the light off. I am really impressed that she figured out how to do that. It is a pull switch and it takes her quite a bit of concentration to get a hold of the string, but once she gets it she has learned that when she pulls it the light turns off. She is the smartest baby EVER!

She has also finally learned how to use the Johnny Jump Up. I credit Ross because I could never get her to jump, she just spun around. She can finally do it now after Ross took care of her for two days.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

no time

I finally got time today to put some stuff up on this blog. I have so much to write about and post, but I can't seem to get caught up! I've been pouring all of my free time (what little there is) into doing whatever I can to capture a piece of this holiday shopping mania. I'm not doing as well as I had hoped, but then there is still one more week, so we'll see.

Lily has been only sleeping for about 4 hours at a time for the past week or so. It is really hard on me physically. I NEED sleep. Somehow it doesn't bother her not to sleep though. She will go to bed at 7PM, wake up at 9PM, go back to sleep at 11PM, wake up at 2AM, go back to sleep at 5AM, and then get up for the day at 9AM!!! Then go the entire day with only a one hour nap. I don't know how she does it. This is about the only time I am glad that Ross and I work such opposite schedules because he is home during the day for me to beg him to let me take a nap.

My birthday was last week and I had a nice night. Brandi, Veronika and Missy came over and we played dress up. I had several items that I needed good pictures for the website, so I talked them into modeling for me. We got some great shots and had a really fun night. I made Brandi spend the night and let me sleep in as my birthday gift. I didn't get to sleep in as long as I wanted to because we had to take Lily to the doctor for her 4 month shots at 11AM. That picture is of Lily in bed with Brandi. They look like they both passed out like that. We don't let Lily sleep in the bed with us, but I guess Aunt Brandi likes to spoil her.

I have so much more to write about, but I cannot keep my eyes open any longer


I had said before that I didn't think Lily was a Florida State fan like she is supposed to be. Well, my Dad is trying to make her an MTSU fan. She didn't cry when I put the shirt on her like she does with her Seminoles gear, so maybe she wants to be a Blue Raider.
She loves having things on her head, maybe it is the lack of hair?

Daddy's games

Ross has found a way to entertain both babies at the same time. Listen to those squeels!!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


View My Auctions

Ignore this, I'm just needing a website to test it out on.