Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas pics to come

Daddy bought me a new computer for Christmas and I love it so much that I haven't really been on the laptop much. But, all the Christmas photos are on the laptop because I loaned my photo software to Michael and haven't had a chance to get it back to load on the new computer. So, Christmas pics will have to wait. Sorry.
Christmas rocked though! Lily must have been very good because Santa brought her some really nice things. We opened the gifts from one another on Christmas eve and Lily was so funny because every gift that she opened she screamed "this is just what I always wanted!" and if there were more than one thing in a gift bag together she would scream "this is ALSO just what I always wanted!"
Sweetest thing in the world!
These pics were taken with my phone at the mall a few days before Christmas when we went to go have our pictures taken with Santa. You'll have to wait on the Santa pic because I haven't figured out how to get my scanner to work in windows 7 yet.
Eric was really cute because he didn't scream when we put him on Santa's lap. We really figured he would. He must know that he has to be nice to that guy so he can get some good loot next year.

This bear is mechanical and rocks back and forth. It was sweet because Lily walked up and put her arms up for a hug and waited for him to lean down to her. She usually hugs the characters that have people inside so I'm not sure whether or not she thought this one was one of those. She kept hugging him over and over so I think she may have thought he was real.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Meeting Grandad

Eric first meeting his Grandad

He didn't cry which is suprising because he has begun doing this thing where he cries if anyone other than me holds him.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas..... yay!

I am so happy for Christmas. I've been so over-worked lately with trying to juggle two kids, two jobs and doing craft shows too. The last two weekends in a row I had shows and after they ended and I finished up the last of my custom sewing projects I'm finally able to relax.
Well, sort of, I still have to work but after as busy as I've been the past month, work seems easy!
Plus, Eric has gotten SOOOOOO much easier. He still doesn't enjoy sleeping and is still getting up in the night, sometimes twice. But, during the day he is so fun to be around. He laughs and plays and just watches Lily in awe. Below is his interested face....
I get lots of pictures of the interested face because my phone has a zebra print cover on it so if I hold it up to take a picture of him, that is the face he makes. Funny huh?

David & Sherah are here, another reason I feel so relaxed. Sherah just jumps in and helps with Eric and Lily follows David around like she is his shadow. They are such fantastic house guests.
We went to the park yesterday to make ourselves dizzy on the spinny disks...

and climb trees....
Everyone was pooped afterward.....
Daddy should be arriving any minute now with his girlfriend Janet and Richard flys in tonight just after midnight.
Let the overindulgence of food, sweets and alcohol begin!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Rolling over, Solid food & Santa

Saturday Eric officially rolled over from his back to his tummy and now he is a rolling machine. I lay out a blanket on the floor and lay him down in the center and he loves to just roll around. He can't roll from his belly to back yet, so he just does a 3/4 roll then back then 3/4 roll to the other side, then back. It is entertaining to watch.
I think I'd mentioned before that we had been introducing solids, but that is still going ok. He understands what is happening now and really gets excited when we sit down to eat. Also, I've stopped breastfeeding and I'm loving not being the only one who can feed him!
Lily is so caught up with Christmas right now and writes a letter to Santa every day. Tonight we had a meltdown because I wouldn't let her have another envelope. She would use 20 a day if I let her! It is really sweet though.
Ross and I have been taking her down the toy aisles to try and feel out what would be a good gift for her because right now she just seems content playing with her babies and crayons and we certainly don't need any more of either of those things. We've picked out a toy that is an interactive book reader thingy and so for those of you who have asked what you can get her, you can get a book to go with it. I'm certainly not asking anyone to buy anything! We aren't going to be buying anything for anyone and don't expect anything, but... some of you can't be stopped so if you insist.... here is what I'm talking about, it is called Bugsby and the books are about $12-$14 I put a widget that links to Amazon on this blog over there ------->
and they have them at Target too.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Random pictures and thoughts

Eric loves to try to eat my face. He just started doing this a few days ago. I'm hoping it is just a coincidence that we are also working on switching him from breastfeeding to formula this week. I hope we haven't thoroughly confused this little boy.
This giant hot dog is at a farmers market that hasn't opened yet. We were checking out the space in hopes of me vending there in the future when they open. We just thought that we needed a picture with a giant hot dog.
Brandi reading a story to both babies. Eric isn't interested in the book. He just watches Lily.
Ross has cancer. Well, I guess I should say Ross HAD cancer. He had it cut out and he refused stitches because he didn't want to go back to have them removed! I guess I'll have to get used to looking at him with a hole in his neck. Good thing is, they were able to get it all out and Ross and I both went to the Dermatologist to have full body cancer checks and we both have a clean bill of skin health now. We've hit our deductible for the year and since we have no idea what the job situation (thus the health insurance situation) will be after the first of the year, we are making sure to get all the check up stuff done before the year is over. Teeth cleaning and eye exams next.
This year is going to be so special with Lily at Christmas. She is at the age where she remembers things from last year and understands what is happening (as well as a 3 1/3 year old can understand) and is so excited.I'm excited too.Tonight at Target Lily said we should buy a treat and had her own little wallet with her own money and everything. We bought something for Ross and I reminded her that she isn't supposed to say anything to him about it. As soon as we got home she went running into the sewing room looking for wrapping paper. I was tickled because I never said anything about wrapping it up.She is growing up so fast and is so smart. I am so proud of her.