Saturday, March 07, 2009

Now to think about names

On Thursday, I found out the baby's sex and it is a boy! Secretly I was hoping for a girl simply because I thought it would be cheaper and I could make the two of them share a room forever and never have to get a bigger house. I'm excited for a boy and although I haven't had a chance to talk to Ross about it yet (he is still in Dubai), I'm pretty sure he is extra happy for a son.
Lily went to the ultrasound appointment with me and was awesome. She sat in the chair next to me and said the gel on my tummy was gross. I kept trying to show her that if she looked on the screen she could see the baby in my belly, but she wasn't interested. I totally understand, I don't know how those techs do it, I have to be told what everything is. At one point I asked if we were looking at the face and she said, "No, that is a kidney". I felt really dumb.
She told me it was a boy and I said, "Lily did you hear that.... the baby is a boy! What do you think we should name him?" and immediately, with conviction said "Issac"
Funny. She does know a boy named Issac, he is a friend of the son of the woman who babysits her once a week. She must have a crush on him.
So, now that we know the sex, I need to get started going through all the baby stuff and tossing out all the pink and hopefully there will be enough left over that we won't have to buy much this time around.
Also, the hard part..... finding a name. Boy names are so much harder than girls names.


Anonymous said...

Dickson is the best name ever. That's what you should name him.

Jazz said...

Awwwww, how exciting!!! Isaac is a nice name :) I agree that girls names are way easier though!

How about selling all your girlie stuff in a yard sale to raise $$ for boy stuff?

becky said...

As soon as I found out we were having a boy the name Levi got stuck in my that is the name we are using..Levi Jack Warren Hughes...long, but Jack is after John's dad and Warren after my grandfather...good luck choosing!!!

Shelley said...

Jazz....yard sale? are you kidding... half the newborn stuff is already up for auction on eBay!

Jazz said...

LOL - I should have known you'd already be on e-bay :)