Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Summer Summer

047 by by Shelley Faye
047, a photo by by Shelley Faye on Flickr.

This pic is the face Eric makes every time you point a camera in his direction. Maybe he'll become a dentist.

We've had a busy summer so far. We've been having a blast going to sprinkler parks and swimming at the Y but of course, there never seems to be enough time in front of a computer to keep up with blogging as often as I'd like.
I am a gadget junkie though so I'm regularly posting pics on flickr (user id: by shelleyfaye but you'll need to add me as a friend in order to see the family pics... they are private so I have to approve you first. If you don't do this step, you'll only see pictures of the stuff I've sewn) and videos to youtube (user id: sirrossmitchell, just search that word... no spaces) so please, if you are craving more up-to-date pics, bookmark those sites.

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