Monday, November 21, 2011

Crafting is in their genes

Me and Lil
As if I wasn't already head over heels in love with this little girl, she just steals my heart more and more by doing things like this
I have been working on this sign for the aprons that I sell at craft shows so this board has been on the counter for days. The other night Lily pulls out her colored pencils and went to work making one of her own. I wouldn't let her touch mine so she was running back and forth, from the counter to the table. She would run over and check this detail or that, making sure she had everything right. You can't tell from this picture, but she even has the little squiggly lines and things in the word 'kitschy'.
The next day I taught her how to do patchwork on the machine.
I'm so glad she is a crafter!

Eric just may be a crafter too. Today I was going to take Lily with me to a craft show while Eric & Ross stayed home to take a nap but he threw a fit when he found out he wasn't going. He cried and cried saying "craft show" so Ross got lucky to have the whole afternoon to himself in a quiet house. They had a kids craft table where they got to make Indian hats (I know there is a name for these things, just can't remember it)
And Eric wore his all day

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