Sunday, January 15, 2006

At our last doctor visit we got to listen to the heartbeat. It took awhile for the lady to find it with the machine so she said that she thinks the baby will be a girl. She said that all the babies who are hard to find are girls :) I am still having the feeling that it is a boy. I can't explain why, but it is just a feeling that I have.

I am in Week 13 now, and the books say that the baby will grow more this month than any other month. So, I will be making sure to be using lots of that belly oil that Sam got me! Some say that oils and such to prevent stretchmarks are a myth, but just in case, I'll be using it everyday!

Ross and I have been tossing around ideas for names, but we can't think of much. So far, I like Lillian. My great great aunt is named Lillian and I like the name Lilly, but I can't think of a middle name that would go with it. I love the name Malachy for a boy, but everyone that I mention it to says it reminds them of 'Children of the Corn'. I don't watch horror films, so I didn't think of that.

Any suggestions?

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