Thursday, May 25, 2006

Surprise Shower!!!!!

Today My Aunt Charlotte, and cousins Sandy, Pamela, Alexander and Allison came down from Melborne for a visit. No one here knew it, but they were bringing me a shower! They brought lunch and "little cakes" and TONS of presents. They brought gifts from everyone from the Strong side of the family. We cracked open a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of Sparkling Cider for me and the kids. We had a really nice day and stuffed ourselves silly. I now have SO MANY outfits for Lily. She is going to be the best dressed kid around! I had to include the picture of Brandi and I because she is just so excited that she is so much smaller than me. All of the time growing up, every time she teased me (remember she is the OLDER sister) I would just come back with "well, I'm skinnier than you" and even though I maybe weighed only 3 or 4 pounds less than her, she would get so upset. So now, she loves to call me fat and tell everyone how much skinner than me she is. It is ok, I'm taking it for now, but that is going to be my motivation to get the extra weight off quickly come August.

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