Friday, December 12, 2008

Visit with the mall Santa

I hate the mall, but it is inevitable, Christmas gifts need to be purchased, mall must be visited. So, I got Lily dressed and went right when it opened this morning. She loved the Christmas displays and loved the trains. Finally we found Santa. I told Lily that Santa was there waiting to hear from all the kids so that he knew what to bring them on Christmas. She is so shy but she sat up there with him and said "please, may I have some presents for Christmas?" it was so sweet.
He asked her what she wanted and she told him a barbie. Right before she went up there she told me she wanted a bicycle, so who knows.
Then, once we left all she could talk about was how he was wearing gloves. Funny the things kids pick up on.

1 comment:

becky said...

She looks very sweet in this picture!!