Monday, December 08, 2008

First week of December

Earlier this week I dumped out the trash can next to my computer and just as soon as I stepped away from it, Lily got in it. Then, half a second later, boom. She fell over and I guess she held onto the can rather than catching herself with her hands because she landed on her face. If you've been to my house than you know that my office is in what used to be a garage so the floors are concrete. Face hitting a concrete floor equals a nasty bruise. So, if you are expecting Christmas photos, you may have to wait awhile.
Today I had to do some work for my old boss Ned and took Lily with me. She had a blast playing with the dogs. She sat out in the yard and poured dirt on them then rubbed it in. I guess this must feel good for a dog because all three dogs let her do it.

Saturday was the annual Candy Cane parade. This year was the most fun of all the ones I've been to so far. As usual, Ross couldn't make it. For some reason there is always a function or something going on that night, this is my 5th and he has yet to see it. Lily waved and waved and ate more candy than any child should ever eat in one night. She was so excited to see Elmo and Scooby Doo and then when the Animal Rescue people came by with "real dogs" she was thrilled for that too. On the way home she told me about Santa Clause then said "Mommy, can I sleep car?" it was so nice to have a baby just absolutely pooped from a good time.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Man, she is tough! She's going to be a rugby player like her daddy!!