Sunday, April 12, 2009


I'm totally unsure what bunnies, chocolates and hiding eggs in the yard has to do with Easter, but we played along.
Ross never did the dying Easter egg thing so that whole concept was completely foreign to him. And for him, he grew up finding chocolate eggs in the house, that is foreign to me! So, we compromised and colored a few hard boiled eggs with crayons and hid candy filled plastic eggs inside AND out.
This video is of some of the conversations that Lily and I had yesterday while coloring Easter eggs.

This morning I got up before anyone else and went and hid the eggs. I was at the computer at the kitchen table when Lily got out of bed. She ran to me all puffy-eyed (she has a cold right now) and said "Is the Easter Bunny here?"

I told her he had just left and she ran to the window to look for him. She grabbed her Easter basket and was so happy.

The challenge the rest of the day is for us all NOT to overdose on candy and chocolate.

After breakfast, we went to the beach. Today was the perfect beach day. The water was crystal clear, not a cloud in the sky and we got there early enough that there wasn't much of a crowd. Of course, I forgot the camera!

These videos are of the egg hunting:

1 comment:

Jazz said...

I'm with Ross 100%! You are supposed to find chocolate eggs inside the house :)