Monday, April 12, 2010

Lily & Eric at the same age

Eric woke up at 6 then went back to sleep. I had managed to get 6 hours of continuous sleep so I just stayed up and wrote that last blog post. Then, I started looking through my blog's old posts of Lily at the same age that Eric is now. It is easy because their birthdays are only about a week apart. Friday night was the Marlin's home opener so I put Eric in Lily's old Marlins jersey. Lily got to go to the opener when she was a baby, but unfortunately, Ross is out of town, and I'm not organized enough to take two kids to a baseball game solo, so we didn't go. (First one I've missed in 5 years!)

I didn't get Eric smiling, maybe he was sad that he didn't get to go to the game :(
but I love being able to compare these pictures. Eric has much more hair than Lily did and although he is a little chunkier, has a thinner face. I'm also glad that it was the girl child that got the Carney ears so that they can be covered by hair. Lucky Eric got Mitchell ears!

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