Friday, June 04, 2010

First Steps

Although he has been trying for a few days now, We are claiming today the day Eric has taken his first steps. I was in the kitchen, and Eric & Lily were just around the corner in the pool room. Lily starts saying "look Mommy... Eric is trying to walk!" and I peeked around the corner and there he was standing with the cutest grin on his face. It was like he was saying 'Look at me! I can do this!'
I watched him take 6 steps.
Lily and I spent the rest of the day counting his steps. Most times he would do between 3 and 5 before sitting down or just lunging into something.
We tried and tried to get a video, but it is pretty hard to do because we don't have a video camera, just the point-n-shoot camera with a video option, so this is the best we got...

I thought this one was cute too, even though he isn't walking, it does show how balanced he is in pushing things.

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