Friday, June 03, 2011

Grandma's funeral

A week ago yesterday, my Grandma passed away (above pic of her and Lily in the fall '06). Of course it is very sad and I'm heartbroken for the loss, but I'm happy that she is in a better place. She was very very sick and her quality of life was not good. It was really nice to get to see the family and even though the visit was quick, it was a refresher for me. I love my babies dearly, but it is so nice to have a whole day start to finish every now and then where I don't have to change a diaper, make sure someone is eating healthy or cleaning up toys.
I don't have much time to post because I have a mound of work to catch up on and because life seems to always throw things at you all at once, everyone in the house is sick!
I came home with a box of old pictures and I'm going to be scanning them over time and posting them to flickr. I have loads of pictures there that are public, but you won't be able to see most of the family stuff without logging in. If you log in (it is free) and connect with me, I can mark you as a family member and you will be able to see all of my pictures.
This link might work to take you to some pics from the 70s...

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