Thursday, May 26, 2011


004 by by Shelley Faye
004, a photo by by Shelley Faye on Flickr.

It is full-on hot as hell around here (love it!) and we've been spending alot of time in the water. Eric completed swimming lessons and still cannot swim, but they both do really well in the water anyway.
So, in my relentless pursuit of figuring out a way to get us enough money to get a REAL pool, I've gotten really really into coupons. Inspired by Sherah, and encouraged by a local crafty friend who got me into her coupon group on facebook, I've saved a BOAT LOAD! It is insane! If you've seen that show Extreme Couponing, I'm no where near that level, but I've been saving so much and in only a few weeks of doing it. You already know how cheap I am, and we've been on a tight budget forever, but I've managed to cut even more! I started keeping track of it so I can see if it is all worth my time and if you are curious, this is the blog for that. As of today, I've spent $155.31 on $534.90 worth of food, cleaning supplies and toiletries. Pretty awesome huh?

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