Monday, March 19, 2007

Many Faces of Lily

My dad sent this hat for Lily for Easter, isn't she sweet in it? But then.....
For Christmas Ross had a fake poo in his stocking. It was probably one of the best gifts he has ever gotten. He won't let me put it away. It has become a regular decoration in our living room. So, being that everything Lily sees she MUST taste....
We have childproofed the best we know how, but Lily is determined to see what is in this cabinet. Having bartenders for parents, what is your guess?
Since Tony and Marje have been here we have really put them to work. So, we thought it best that Lily start doing her fair share too, so she has to help Granny pick weeds.
Lily's teeth are like a vampire. She grew them all out of order. She started out well when she grew the bottom two. But then instead of growing the top two front teeth (which would be the normal order of things) she grew the second set of top teeth. They are not the canine teeth, but when they are the only ones on the top they sure look like it!
The funniest part of it is that she makes a dragon face and even hisses too! I don't know if it was something that we accidentally taught her or not, but we have definitely made it worse because we laugh so much when she does it. At first I tried to get it on camera, now it is difficult to take her picture without her making that evil face.

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