Friday, December 28, 2007

Back from Vacation

I am going to have to write about our trip in several posts because I just don't have the time to do it all in one.
I am so behind on work and it just makes me tired to think about how long it will be before I get caught up. I think I'm going to hire a babysitter to come over one day just so I can work.
Anyway. We went up to Tennessee for Christmas making stops in Huntsville and Atlanta.
We left early Saturday morning and flew to Atlanta. Lily was confused about the early wake up but did great on the plane. We got to the airport way early and it was surprisingly empty so Lily had a blast running up and down the long rows of chairs and pointing at the planes outside.
She was squirmy on the flight but it was only and hour and a half so we got through it pretty easily.
Daddy met us at the airport and we loaded in and drove to Huntsville. Lily started saying "Joe" (my dad's dog that used to be mine) within the first half hour of the trip. It was so cute.
Once in Huntsville my whole family came over to Grandma's house to have a little Christmas celebration. It was so fun. It is so nice to be able to be somewhere that I can just put Lily down and know that she'll be ok no matter if I'm in the same room or not. We don't really have that here at this age. Lily ran around and tried to get into as many things as possible. My cousins and Aunts tried their best to kiss her and hug her but she is too much on the move.
Lily must have been very good this year because she got so many great things. She got two new baby dolls, a cool blinky noisy key, a dress and three hats!
We stuffed ourselves and Lily refused to eat anything. Aunt Gertie dipped ice cream cones for all the kids and Lily had her first one ever. She wouldn't eat it at first but then once Ross taught her to put her finger in it then lick her finger she discovered that she liked it.
After the party we got back in the bronco and headed to Nashville.

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