Monday, December 10, 2007

Getting involved in Politics

I've been trying to decide which political candidate to vote for. I'm still undecided but I am really trying to narrow down my options. Because of the stupid way our system is set up, I had to pick a party in order to be able to participate in the primary elections. Although I still disagree with some of their party values, I've changed my affiliation to Republican. So, also because of the stupid way our elections are handled, I've only been paying attention to the republican candidates for now because I have no say in how the democrats narrow down their choices. I spent my birthday watching the YouTube debate and taking notes. I still need to look up a few more things online but I've pretty much narrowed my decision down to three.
One of those three is Senator McCain. Yesterday I met up with my Aunt and cousins down in Miami to go hear him speak at a town hall meeting. It was pretty cool because the amount of political things I've actually participated in prior to this has been very limited. I had a question prepared and was ready to ask it but someone else got my question before I could get the courage up to ask it.

The only un-cool thing was that most of the questions proposed to him were asked in Spanish. He had a translator in his ear to translate it for him but we just had to figure it out by the answer he gave. Maybe next time I should go to the English speaking one.

Senator McCain was a POW with my uncle and my aunt volunteers for his campaign so he came over and talked to us after the meeting.

We got our pictures made with him. There was some other weirdo in the pic too, but I cropped him out. In the pic: my cousin Sandy, Me, my cousin Pamela, Senator McCain, my cousin Christian, and my aunt Charlotte.

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