Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chuck E Cheese, Kentucky Derby & sock monkey

A couple of months back I joined a SAHM group and it has been great. I don't really know anyone very well yet but it is nice to finally have some people to talk kids stuff with. They are all much better mom's than me, but we are starting to fit in. They all exchange recipes and post notices about toy recalls. Me, I just try my best to keep healthy food in the fridge and let Lily play with anything in the house that isn't sharp.

So, there are playdates set up for parks and stuff all over the county just about every day. Earlier this week we met up with the group at Chuck E Cheese.

Lily was awesome! She is usually shy at first but as soon as we walked in the door she said "car. ride". We ordered a little pizza and once we finished eating she had warmed up enough that she wasn't clinging to me anymore. She wasn't afraid of the rides that move and even figured out how to put the coins in the slot and buckle her seat belt.

It was really sweet.

Last weekend we went to Mike's anual Kentucky Derby party and won the bonnet contest yet again! I won year before last, Lily came in 2nd last year and this year we took #1 & #2!!

Lily was very well behaved so I was very proud of her.

A couple of weeks ago Lily had an explosive poop incident while in her crib so I just pulled all the sheets, blankets and everything including the pillows and stuffed animals and put it all in the wash. Well, my 32 year old sock monkey that Lily LOVED didn't make it out of the machine. I couldn't bear to throw it out because I loved it probably more than Lily did (hence the fact that I still have it!) so I made Ross throw it out for me. Being the eBay junkie that I am, I found a seller on eBay selling sock monkey kits and I bought two.

I feel so much better about the whole thing now because Lily was so sweet during the making of the new monkey. She identified the socks as socks but once we put stuffing in them she knew right away that it was a monkey. She slept with it the first night when all it was, was a tube with legs. The next day I had completed the arms and tail but hadn't sewn them on yet and she was even carrying around the arms saying "monkey arms". It has been amazing watching how excited she has become each step in the process. I sewed on the ears and she screamed with joy yelling "ears. ears. ears".

Armless & faceless monkey baby above, Complete monkey baby below

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