Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving & Birthday weekend

Ok, so this pic isn't from Thanksgiving, it is from last Sunday

My attempt to take a picture of Lily and I at the beach, self portraits never work out

Proof that I made my Pumpkin pie from SCRATCH (I forgot to get a pic of the crust too, but that was scratch as well)

We spent Thanksgiving in Melbourne with the Family. Lily was so happy to see Allison and I know Allison was happy to see her too. Tonight Lily told me that she missed Allison. Sweet.

I didn't put them up to this for the picture, they were hugging when I walked in the room and luckily I had my phone in my pocket so I was able to snap this one.

We left Lily in Melbourne and went to Islands of Adventure for my birthday

On my birthday, I was allowed to have a beer before noon because "on your birthday you can do whatever you want"

In the car on Thanksgiving day en route to Melbourne. I did my makeup in the car, so Lily had to do her make up too.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Looks like a great time! Lily is so grown up!!

I LOVE her doing her make-up!!