Saturday, June 13, 2009

Funny things from Lily

Lily is a little mini-me. This little girl is enforcing the golden rule on me by treating me as I treat her. She says things that are almost exact repeats of what I tell her.
For lunch today we both had sandwiches but she had goldfish and I had triscuits. She put 3 goldfish on the table and slid them over to me and said "mommy, you have to have at least 3 before you get up"

I yelled at Zelda for getting under-foot and almost tripping me while I was cooking and Lily says "Mommy, there is no need to yell, be nice to doggies"

There are lots of bathroom things that she says to me that seem so normal for me to say to a 2 year old but are funny when a 2 year old says them to an adult. She regularly asks me if I wiped or if I put my panties back on. The other day she stuck her head in the bathroom while I was on the pot and said "call me when you are ready. Just let me know, ok" I assume she was intending to come help me wipe because that is what I say to her when she is pooping.

Then there are other random things that she says that I have no idea where they come from:
"hey mommy, lets sing together, ok, on 4.... 1, 2, 3, 4"
"do you know that chickens come from eggs!" as she is holding an egg at her bum squatting over it

Then there are funny things that she notices and points out. This quality has the potential to be pretty embarrassing if she weren't so shy and actually talked in public.
Brandi is staying with us and Lily came to me after showering with her to tell me "you have BIG boobies and Aunt Brandi's boobies are smaller"
or looking at Ross after he hadn't shaved all weekend and said "daddy you have a dirt mustasche"
One of my favorites is how she thinks anything in a can is a beer. "Mommy, are you going to have another beer?" She said this one in public at the park and the other moms immediately looked up to see whether or not the pregnant lady was really drinking a beer.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Oh that is hilarious!!! Ana is full of funny comments these days too :)