Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Rolling over, Solid food & Santa

Saturday Eric officially rolled over from his back to his tummy and now he is a rolling machine. I lay out a blanket on the floor and lay him down in the center and he loves to just roll around. He can't roll from his belly to back yet, so he just does a 3/4 roll then back then 3/4 roll to the other side, then back. It is entertaining to watch.
I think I'd mentioned before that we had been introducing solids, but that is still going ok. He understands what is happening now and really gets excited when we sit down to eat. Also, I've stopped breastfeeding and I'm loving not being the only one who can feed him!
Lily is so caught up with Christmas right now and writes a letter to Santa every day. Tonight we had a meltdown because I wouldn't let her have another envelope. She would use 20 a day if I let her! It is really sweet though.
Ross and I have been taking her down the toy aisles to try and feel out what would be a good gift for her because right now she just seems content playing with her babies and crayons and we certainly don't need any more of either of those things. We've picked out a toy that is an interactive book reader thingy and so for those of you who have asked what you can get her, you can get a book to go with it. I'm certainly not asking anyone to buy anything! We aren't going to be buying anything for anyone and don't expect anything, but... some of you can't be stopped so if you insist.... here is what I'm talking about, it is called Bugsby and the books are about $12-$14 I put a widget that links to Amazon on this blog over there ------->
and they have them at Target too.

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