Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas..... yay!

I am so happy for Christmas. I've been so over-worked lately with trying to juggle two kids, two jobs and doing craft shows too. The last two weekends in a row I had shows and after they ended and I finished up the last of my custom sewing projects I'm finally able to relax.
Well, sort of, I still have to work but after as busy as I've been the past month, work seems easy!
Plus, Eric has gotten SOOOOOO much easier. He still doesn't enjoy sleeping and is still getting up in the night, sometimes twice. But, during the day he is so fun to be around. He laughs and plays and just watches Lily in awe. Below is his interested face....
I get lots of pictures of the interested face because my phone has a zebra print cover on it so if I hold it up to take a picture of him, that is the face he makes. Funny huh?

David & Sherah are here, another reason I feel so relaxed. Sherah just jumps in and helps with Eric and Lily follows David around like she is his shadow. They are such fantastic house guests.
We went to the park yesterday to make ourselves dizzy on the spinny disks...

and climb trees....
Everyone was pooped afterward.....
Daddy should be arriving any minute now with his girlfriend Janet and Richard flys in tonight just after midnight.
Let the overindulgence of food, sweets and alcohol begin!

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