Tuesday, January 04, 2011

iPhone and YouTube videos

After a year and a half of using an iPhone with a shattered screen, I finally got a new one. It was actually last month, but I'm just now getting around to blabbing about it. In case you aren't aware, iPhones have a real glass screen so once it shattered, I had to buy a Zagg invisibleSHIELD not to protect me from breaking it, but to keep the glass from falling out or cutting my fingers. I really should have gotten one of those first!

I've been a HUGE fan of the iPhone for years, but now, with the 4, I'm in love. This thing is amazing. I keep finding more and more awesome things I can do with it. Right now, the only un-cool things are that I can't upload pictures from it straight to this blog (well, I can do it on the phone, jut not directly or easily), and, I can't find an armband (for working out) that will allow me to keep the protective case on it. oh, by the way, I went overboard on the protective case this time. it has padding on the inside, a plastic box, then rubberized on the outside... I am NOT going to break this one!

Basically, I've just written all of this to let you know that, with my new phone, I can upload videos directly to YouTube. So, between my fancy new phone and my fancy new camcorder that Daddy bought me, ahem, I mean Eric last summer, we've got some cute videos up on the web. Check 'em out here.

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