Saturday, April 01, 2006

24 weeks

Hormones are crazy! I cannot sleep right these days. I know it is the hormones, because Ross is not at all affected, but I wake up in the night sweating! It is so gross. I kick off all the covers and everything, and I am just too hot to sleep. We bought a ceiling fan, but of course we ended up with the most complicated stupid thing on earth and we can't figure out how to install it! The other night I made Ross switch rooms and sleep in Lilly's room on the futon with me because there is a fan in there!
Anyone willing to come over and help us with this stupid fan? or have the number of a handy-man or someone we can hire to install it for us? PLEASE... I really need some sleep!!!


Jazz said...

I can't sleep either and it is REALLY annoying. I wake up every time I turn over, and once I wake up I have to go and pee!

Kelli said...

yeah I used to sweat too and no fan could help. It continued for a while after the baby was born too. I was like my grandma when she was complaining about her "hot flashes" through menopause. And as you get farther along you wake up about every 1 to 2 hours, usually to pee. but it is supposed to be natures way of preparing you for your nights when the baby comes. You would think nature could let us sleep for one last month before that. But of course not.
Sorry wish we could help with the fan. Maybe you should buy one that stands on the floor too.
We sould get together, Let me know when you have free time I will bring the baby so you can play with him.
oh i here him now.....