Tuesday, April 25, 2006

87 days to go

To some of you that may sound like it is just around the corner, to me....It sounds like FOREVER! I guess it is because I am now only working 2 days a week and I have no social life, but it seems like the days are ticking by so slowly. There are a few social events coming up in May, and it seems like forever until they get here. I have plenty to do around the house with all of my websites and sewing projects and what not, so I am not bored, I am just having a hard time adjusting to the lack of people in my daily life.
I keep trying to think up things to do, but my bad veins have limited me so much. I can only stand still for about a minute before my leg starts to throb. Not to mention, that they look horrible! I am going to gross you all out and post a picture of them! They are only on one leg, which to me is very strange, but my doctor said that isn't all that odd. She said that my uterus is probably squishing an important vein that feeds that leg. The picture of the one on the inside of my leg, no that is not a bruise, it is a circular cluster of veins.....Strange, but intriguing at the same time. I have been walking for 30 minutes every evening (if anyone wants to join me, Zelda and I would love the company) just to keep from being so lazy. I feel like such a slob sitting down so much.
In that second picture I was trying to show you how my inside-out belly button shows right through my clothes. We have a mirrored wall and I was trying to take the picture that way, but Zelda couldn't stand not having all of my attention long enough to take a good picture!
Oh, and that mirrored wall is a funny thing too. Every now and then when I am around the house I will forget that I am pregnant and that I am so big and walk through that room and scare myself with my reflection. I guess I have gotten used to the way it FEELS to be pregnant, but not used to the way it LOOKS.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I totally relate to everything you wrote...I have a million things to do to stay busy but I also miss having actual people in my life. I go to the dog park everyday, i see a bunch of dogs mostly. I have Deo of course but I would be nice to have an actual conversation with someone rather than a baby, a dog or a computer. I would love to take a walk with you and your dog! I wonder if our dogs would get along....Deo loves taking walks also. I also have a sewing machine question I wanting to ask you because I know you are a sew pro. I would also love to see your place, call me anytime 305-778-3084.