Sunday, June 18, 2006

Still no 3D ultrasound

Well, this week we went back to the doctor for another attempt at the 3D ultrasound. But, our baby is still being stubborn and has not moved around yet. This is a little bad. I can do without the 3D pictures, but now with only 5 weeks to go they are concerned that she won't turn around in time. So many people tell me about how they were breech or their kids were born breech. It is kinda scary because they are just reinforcing to me how often it happens! Well, these days it is more dangerous to try to deliver breech than it is to do a c-section, so if she doesn't turn than they will just schedule me to get cut open.
Advantages- no labor. I would do it just like the stars do. Check in, get the surgery and boom....there is a baby. Less risk of a complication. No cone head for Lily.
Disadvantages- Cost. I remind you all, I do NOT have health insurance! This would be about another six grand. Hormones. The body produces hormones during the labor process that help the body recover back to normal, and help the body start producing milk for breastfeeding. Without the labor process the body struggles to start these processes. Recovery - I'll be trying to learn how to take care of a newborn and learn to breastfeed while recovering from having major surgery. More time until I can run again. I am DYING to run! I want so badly to just run down the street as fast as I can. Having a C-section will mean a few more weeks extra before I can do that. (minor, I know, I just can't help but to think these things....I feel like I am handicapped)
Good news - non-baby related though.
1) The Miami Heat going to the finals in the NBA playoffs has given me the opportunity to work a bunch of extra shifts. I have worked 5 or 6 days a week for almost a month now (remember, I usually only work 2) and when I work extra I get cash (tax-free!)
2) I am officially a business owner! My new online specialty boutique is scheduled to open on July 15th but it is looking like it may open early around the 3rd or 4th instead. I am so excited! I cannot wait!

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Ohhh, that sucks. Having no labour sounds fab, but I have heard c-sections are hard to recover from. I am also DYING to go running - I feel like such a waste of space, like I've lost the use of my legs or something!
Can the doctors use pressure to try and turn her around? I've heard of that before.
Good luck!!