Friday, April 13, 2007

Killing some time while my website loads up

I am beat-down tired, but I can't go to be yet until my website loads. I found a new photo editing software that I absolutely love and it doesn't cost a million dollars so I have been up-dating all my photos.
The other day Daddy sent Lily a new toy. She was so excited about it that she skipped her nap. She first played with the box for about an hour while I tried to fiqure out how to put the damn thing together.
She loves it though. She is supposed to push it around in order to learn to walk but she pushes it and when it starts to move she sits down (she is so smart! only took a hundred head bruises to figure out how to protect herself!) She isn't quite to the stage of wanting to put one foot in front of the other yet. Which is perfectly ok with me. She has learned some new neat crawling tricks though. She will carry things like her socks or a small toy in her mouth while she crawls (Zelda taught her that) and she will push things around too. She likes to pull the pillows off the couch and then slide them down the hall. I have been working on teaching her how to go down the step backwards and she will actually do it once I pick her up and turn her around. She has only fallen off of it once, but I am sure that it will happen again soon.
Yep, she is still making "the face"

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