Sunday, August 05, 2007

Red Hat Ladies

My aunts used to be Red Hat ladies but have decided to quit participating after losing Aunt Kathey. Since they had a ton of Red Hat garb they decided to make good with it and let me sell it all for charity.

I love the whole concept of the red hats. It seems like so much fun. It is a shame that all my girlfriends are all too busy to do any kind of regular get together or clubs or anything fun like that. I guess I'll have to wait until I'm 50 so I can be a red hat.

Anyway, Lily is having so much fun helping me take pictures of all the red hat stuff. It just seemed to be perfect timing that she is into hats right now. I think I'm going to have to post this pic on the auction, she is so cute that people will just feel compelled to bid.

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