Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ross is getting better... I am frazzled

Lily took Ross's funny talking better than Zelda did. Zelda acted very strange around Ross for about 2 days. Ross told Lily that he had a boo-boo so now she just keeps saying over and over "Daddy, boo boo, mouth"
pre-accident, Lily would fall or something and come to me saying "boo boo" and then point to where she was hurt. Now, if she falls or crys and I ask her where is her boo boo, she opens her mouth! Silly girl.

We went to the carnival but didn't stay long. The BBQ was killing Ross and since we weren't drinking, eating, riding rides and didn't want to waste money throwing darts at balloons... there wasn't much else to do. I was hoping for some good live music but since the band was my neighbors' band, that didn't pan out so well. They practice at my neighbors house (the one that is REALLY close to ours) twice a week and they are TERRIBLE! Worst band ever. They play the usual southern rock covers and just butcher them.

I thought this was sweet that Lily and Ross were relaxing in the sun but then right after I took this picture the hammock broke!

This morning I was checking my email at the kitchen table while Lily was eating breakfast and I looked up to see that she had put down her spoon and was eating her cottage cheese with a BACKSCRATCHER!!! Believe it or not, she did better with that than a spoon!

Ok, so to the meat of the blog....

Ross is recovering well. It has been a week since the surgery and the swelling has gone down and he is able to speak enough that people can understand him. The phone is a bit of a challenge especially if the person on the other end doen't know that his jaw is wired shut!

Me, I am so frazzled. Lily hasn't taken a nap since returning from Melbourne and I am realizing how dependant I am on that 2 hour break mid-day. I really depend on it to get my work done. I have exactly 4 hours to work each day, 2 hours during the nap and 2 hours at night. If Lily doesn't nap it cuts my workday in HALF! Plus... it is making me crazy. I don't know if it is just that I need my sanity non-baby talk time or if it is that Lily is tired so she is crankier? or maybe it is because I 've stayed up too late trying to get my work done?

Who knows...

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