Sunday, March 30, 2008

Drunken Foolishness

this is a shot of the boys taking shots... poor Ross, doing Jager through a straw!

My friend Dickson is in town for work and he only has a couple of days left so last night we conned Brandi & Todd into spending the night here so that we could go up to Ft. Lauderdale & meet up with him. Well, you already know by the title of this post that we ended up a little bit drunk.

He works for Howl at the Moon and is helping out down here for spring break so we met him at his work and had a couple of beers there before heading down the strip. We didn't go to that many places and I kept sitting out when they ordered shots, but somehow we ended up completely wasted. We left our car there and took a cab home. I'm not sure what arrangement we made about the car because it was in a garage and we gave Dickson the key when we left. I'm a little concerned now because I had several text messages this morning from him. They go like this:
"How do I turn the lights off?"
"How do I get out of this jeep?"
"I can't get the key out of the ignition"
maybe having Dickson move the car wasn't that great of an idea either. See kids, alcohol is bad!

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Awwww, I miss Dickson!!!! and you guys too of course :)