Tuesday, March 25, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

Lily has gotten to where she knows when I'm going out and sometimes she gets pissed when she figures out that she doesn't get to go too. She started getting worried when I started putting on makeup and then got pretty upset when Brandi showed up. She loves Brandi, but at that point I think she realized that I was leaving her there with Brandi.
She didn't even enjoy playing dress up!

She finally came around.

This is no way to treat the babysitter!

Thanks Brandi for letting Ross and I have a fun St. Patty's day at Shenanigans.


Jazz said...

Did Ross lose weight? He looks so skinny! I think I need to wire my jaw shut!!!

Lily is just like you playing dress up :-)

Shelley said...

Yeah, he actually lost the weight in the hospital. Lost about 12 pounds to start then is slowly gaining it back. So, it isn't a wired jaw that makes you lose weight... it is an IV!

but, whatever, you are skinny already! You have nothing to lose.