Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Tragic accident over the weekend

Last weekend David and three friends went on a canoe trip. They had canoed this river before but this time it ended in a tragedy. The company that runs the canoe trips had a new employee who made a mistake and dropped them off at the wrong part of the river. They were dropped just before some rapids that no canoe should be on. David and his friend got dumped over about 15 minutes into the trip. The other pair were up the river ahead of them so they didn't know that they had gotten dumped over too. David and Matt were lucky and able to get themselves and their canoe over to the bank. His friends, soon after being dumped out went over a waterfall. The canoe broke and one of the boys didn't come up. After 24 hours of rescue workers searching the river they found his body on Sunday. His name was Craig Bond and I've been searching all over the internet for the story but it doesn't seem to be covered by of the papers. He was the drummer in David's new band.
I woke up five or six times in the night last night feeling sick to my stomach about what a horrible thing this is. I keep praying for his family and friends but I can't seem to get my head around the whole thing. I know that David must be having a really hard time with it. The guy that was in that canoe, the one who survived, lives in the house below Dave's apartment. I keep praying for him too. At some point during the search for Craig, he was told that he was the only one who made it!
David is beating himself up because he and Matt were joking and laughing about how bad of canoers that they were, that only 15 minutes into the trip they had already taken a spill. Not knowing at the time what was happening around the bend. He knows that he shouldn't feel guilty, but he does.
I can't imagine how bad this all feels to those guys.
It makes me sick to my stomach and hurts my heart.

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