Sunday, June 08, 2008

Today - Great day!

Today was a great day. This morning Lily slept in until 8 and stayed interested in the early morning cartoons long enough for me to get all of my emails checked.
Around 9:30 Marje skyped us from Zim to tell us that she is coming over for a visit in just a little more than a month. Yay! We got to talk for awhile and Lily was behaved enough to say hello. (just in case you don't know what skype is, it is a program that allows you to talk or chat live through your computer and if you have a webcam you can talk and see one another. It is free if you are interested click here)
Then we went to the beach. It is nice to go early because there isn't much of a crowd.

Ross is a bit of a weirdo because he doesn't sit or lie on a towel, just right into the sand. He has taught Lily to do the same thing.

We only stayed for a couple of hours and made it back in time for lunch and nap.
I went to an afternoon party then came home and realized that both Ross and I were having a chocolate craving. So, I taught Lily how to make brownies.

About 3/4 of the way through the brownie baking process I realized that it was dinner time so we threw some steaks on the grill and then we had warm brownies ready for us for desert. Yum.
After dinner Lily bounced back and forth between helping Ross pick weeds and helping me photograph stuff to sell on eBay.

Life is good. Makes it a little more bearable that our bank account has run completely dry! Earlier in the week we had an accident and had to spend $450 at the vet to have two of Zelda's teeth removed. She's all good now but Ross is no longer allowed to play golf with Zelda.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Ohhh, that looks like such a fun day! Yay!